Friday, March 18, 2011

How to clean mold from walls: methods and guidelines to eliminate

We can clean, wash and tidy up the house until every ounce of strength, but there is an element that will always appear sloppy and dirty: the mold. Very often, it happens that the condensation due to the warm interior of the house and outside in the cold of winter, the walls "trasudino" humidity at which point it is inevitable that they form a mold where this moisture is present.

E 'useless we become discouraged, even threatening administrator condiminio coatings because the building is poor: the solution comes at us from housework! You got it right: we can also wash the walls of our house. There is little surprise. We already know how to clean wood furniture, so why not learn how to remove mildew by washing with bleach? Just as we do with our white clothes dirtier, so too for the bleach removes the stain walls.

Moreover, it is also true, as has been formed once, if they persist with the same conditions, the mold will come back to haunt our house: therefore, together with the cleaning, we must implement a strategy of prevention of return to avoid any annoying. Let's see how we can act to have the walls of our house with no stains that mar the structure and aesthetics.

Ventilate the room is often the first place, to avoid formation of mold we must act on the problems that cause the birth, so the condensation of steam in the house. Stay warm radiators is nice, but the walls surriscandano and sweat. A simple solution is to ventilate the rooms often prevent moisture trapped inside.

Sometimes, however, not enough places where mold grows, are the most moist, these points are difficult to heat and cool the air. In these cases we resort to dehumidifiers, maybe salt, such as those normally found in trade, economic and even some nice to see. Discard the stain with bleach will seem strange but the mold is removed with bleach.

Just as common stains, including those of mold go away by washing the wall with this powerful stain remover. Muniamoci a spray bottle, such as those used for washing windows, and riepiamola to 1 / 5 of bleach. We protect your nose and mouth with a mask before starting the operation, then we provide to sprinkle throughout the moldy area with bleach.

Let rest for a few hours the room with the windows open, then move on to a Razzino and coarse sandpaper to scrape away the mold. Repaint the wall after the mold scraped across the surface, if the mold came in depth, still proceed with the bleach and Razzino. If you have created in the operation of the grooves in the wall, use of stucco from masonry to fill the hole, with sandpaper and then leveled the area where we intervened.

Clean up everything, leaving no residue of color and mold on the wall, then proceed to paint the wall: we can try it with our hands, and roll with products purchased in DIY stores, or we can hire experts to ensure the least effort. It could be the perfect opportunity to change the look of the house!

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