Saturday, April 2, 2011

The daily menu of cooked and eaten turnovers and spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli

When we put together a menu for lunch a little bit special, we often do not realize that many problems we just choose our favorites. The ease with which Benedetta Parodi puts together the menu of cooked and eaten should persuade us that the firm is not as hard to believe. We value the time we have to consider the preparations and we have a table with us, the rest will follow.

Let's start with a delicious appetizer like turnovers with meat sauce which certainly will be snapped up already and end up cooking them. We follow one of the most classic dishes that are good and simple: spaghetti with garlic, oil and hot pepper! Among the meat dishes typical of our tradition can not miss the meatballs meatballs here to become a fondue of leeks: delicious! For cakes that are good for both breakfast and afternoon snack.

How to create a wreath of Easter ideas for decorating with eggs

The beauty of Easter is that it happens right in the spring, so we can combine all the things that are colorful and cheerful with the joy of the feast of the Resurrection. Our house, like our souls, as joy and there is no better time to start building a do it yourself some nice location that is original and personal.

Moreover, no excuses that we do not have time, we're not good at manual labor: The instructions are easy to follow and we will get only a tiny part of our time. Are you still decided to give up? We do not need the headaches come to think of what we can do for Easter. The symbol of this anniversary is the egg, around which the rest of this article we use only for cooking, we can build a world with an unarmed for simplicity.

Women feel old to 29 years, men at 58

Women feel old to 29 years, and it is absurd, but what amazes me is the difference with the men who have come to feel old to 58 moons! These data come from a bizarre survey dall'Avalon Funeral Plans, Funeral agency English, who wanted to know when people begin to feel old, we women, as usual, we are catastrophic, because I felt old at 29 years is quite absurd ! Avalon Funeral Plans Funeral English is an agency that is quite special, if not would not have launched this survey! I believe that what we act negatively on women is the media bombardment on impossible standards of beauty and which convince us that we must obey, after all these fees for most of us can not be reached to 20, as well as 50 years.

The coffee is harmful to fast food after a meal: it does not dispose of sugar

Perhaps the urge to eat fast food is so irresistible that goes against common sense. And if we think that a coffee relieves us from the sin of greed just made, actually makes us more harm than good. A coffee drink after a meal, particularly fat, in fact, blocks the removal of sugar which continues to stagnate in the blood.

We already knew that junk food reduces the IQ of children, but now we adults must be on guard. The menu of fast food, which, in itself is detached from any healthy diet, is made even less healthy by the coffee. This is demonstrated by a study by the University of Guelph, Canada and published by the Journal of Nutrition, the drink that interferes with the body's ability to remove sugar from the blood.

Fillets of salmon with herbs: main dish of fish cooked and eaten

We like to experiment with different flavors and different cooking recipes. Those most in need of attention but are tasty are those of the second fish. Prepare the fish often becomes a problem because many people do not like the taste and smell much stronger. To overcome these difficulties and also serving qesto precious food, we must try the salmon fillets with aromatic herbs.

You will see that delicious! This dish is very easy to prepare, we need only look in the memory of the supermarket refrigerated fillets of salmon, but unless we are going well fillets of salmon trout, or even just for trout. So how did Benedetta Parodi strip daily recipes, cooked and eaten, so we can bring to the table this very meaty fish.

Eye makeup: make up some tips for Spring

Let's talk about makeup, in particular, to make up for our eyes. There are many reasons to start to experience some cosmetic beautiful effect that highlights our viewpoint, one of them is that we are in the spring! Yes, with the sunlight that makes us beautiful, we can dare a bit 'more colors and combinations.

Without overdoing it, of course, especially if you are clumsy and not as a general rule, unless you're preparing for a night at the club. During the day it is always better to opt for a simple look, just just a little 'flirty. We begin our make-up, starting from a good base. So, good facial moisturizer is not greasy (serums, gels and emulsions).

SOS test costume tips and tricks for losing weight

SOS Proof costume is coming and we are not absolutely ready! The test suit is the nightmare of all women and I think even the boys, when it gets warm and we have to leave home sweaters, coats and jackets the pounds will start to notice ... not to mention when it is time to be alone with the costume in a crowded beach! Today we present some advice to lose weight, lose a little weight in view of the summer, but without losing his smile, too sad because diets do not last long in direct proportion.

Recipes Easter cake with peaches in syrup

Easter is coming and we suggest you a nice cake and pretty that you can prepare for Easter dinner or maybe on Easter Monday if you want to organize a barbecue in your own home. The recipe is very simple and you can also make this cake in advance, or, if you are not cooks, you can prepare it now, so do not risk nasty surprises on the day of Easter.

Follow the instructions and try it too. Ingredients for the cake with canned peaches (serves 4) Preparation Take a bowl and put the custard, then add 4 slices of dried peaches in syrup and mix well. Take the cake and divide it into three records, then moisten with the syrup of the peaches and then two layers of pastry cream.