Saturday, April 2, 2011

How to create a wreath of Easter ideas for decorating with eggs

The beauty of Easter is that it happens right in the spring, so we can combine all the things that are colorful and cheerful with the joy of the feast of the Resurrection. Our house, like our souls, as joy and there is no better time to start building a do it yourself some nice location that is original and personal.

Moreover, no excuses that we do not have time, we're not good at manual labor: The instructions are easy to follow and we will get only a tiny part of our time. Are you still decided to give up? We do not need the headaches come to think of what we can do for Easter. The symbol of this anniversary is the egg, around which the rest of this article we use only for cooking, we can build a world with an unarmed for simplicity.

We can begin to lay eggs colored with natural methods that are very simple and quick to implement. Color so you do not like? Here's how to decorate Easter eggs in an original and cute and yet so would be perfect, but if we expose them to the house, appoggiamole up egg made of wood and wire, which then re-use at the table.

To decorate our house, a wreath of Easter will be ideal and if you decorate the wreath with eggs, we have combined two symbols of joy and celebration. Let's see how. The ring of interwoven twigs to make a wreath of Easter, the first thing procuriamoci oasis of a donut, that is entwined with tendrils of the diameter you prefer.

These donuts are readily available from florists and garden centers in large and brocolage. We choose the ring of a relative magnitude that we would apply also to the decorations on it: if they are very imgombranti and the ring too small, will turn out will disappear entirely under the decorations, but if there is too great and we decided to decorate it may seem more sober bare.

So first we plan to buy the different elements. Decorated with glitter eggs can coat the cake with the garland of colored cloth. We choose the fabric in the color we have chosen as our theme decorations: can be solid or flowers, or colored squares. In the case of the wreath, use eggs that are more resistant polystyrene: let us take the size that we like and spennelliamole of PVA glue and then literally in the purple colored bread.

They will become shiny and glitter! With a dot of hot glue on the wreath attacchiamole in verse and in the direction that shows us our imagination. Completed with a pretty bow! In one tone of the donut raffia base can also be left natural, because it is a nice color. In this case we can apply on almost anything.

We carry all the colored eggs in the same shade, perhaps of different sizes and attacchiamole cluster on one side of the circumference of the ring. Remember to stick to eggs among other elements such as ears, fake leaves and flowers, so it does not look too bare. We can also pllicare beads are light and small crystalline composition.

In any cas not forget to always put a ribbon on it. The wreath for the children if we have children at home, the wreath will be a nice holder of chocolate eggs. With the same principle, how many chocolates dicide first we seek for our children and then take the right diameter of the ring.

The rest of the game is simple: always with the hot glue, apply a dot on the map where the chocolates are wrapped and then attacchiamoli as we like. We can hang the wreath from now, pulling a chocolate egg every day we get closer to Easter, and then, on the day of the festival, eat the remainder.

A Goduria that will make happy children and more! With the finest flowers garland Easter attaches above the door to welcome guests, and then realizzamola so that gives you a taste, fn from the entrance of what is our home. The wreath is decorated with the finest most beautiful seasonal flowers tucked in so as to create an elegant and sober reason.

We can choose our favorite flower accomapgnato other small buds that would reconcile the perfect color and consistency. If we want, we can wrap a ribbon around the wreath of chiffon of the same color, more elegant than that of satin. It will be a nice business card! The wreath environmentally friendly do not know how to put on and fasten the decorations on the wreath? Before you start to feel completely useless, we know that there is always a solution and is often at hand.

We can simply tie the ribbons all around the wreath and cut into different sizes with the tails left free in the wind. This wreath is environmentally friendly if we use plastic bags cut into strips and knotted around the circumference. Moreover, we can tie any recycled material at our disposal, whether paper or string or rubber bands.

Recycling comes in the decorations of Easter!

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