Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Irregular cycle for those who work in shifts

The irregular cycle is an uneasiness shared by many women, scientific research has shown that women who have a job that involves shifts, suffer more often from menstrual irregularity. We do not know what is due but it certainly shifts negatively affect our lives, altering normal days where you sleep at night and work during the day, to others where you have to sleep during the day and night work is stressful and physically and psychologically.

With the economic crisis, urging the ability to "choose" their work is a luxury and so most of us must make do with what is there and also feel lucky, so in the end are welcomed with open arms even work shifts a bit 'annoying. The study was conducted by doctors from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and is then published in the journal Epidemiology.

This research was carried out on the sample as 71,000 nurses, women more than accustomed to working shifts. According to doctors the irregular menstrual cycle is due to a disruption of circadian rhythms due to these very regular rhythm of day and night, this also leads to an irregular production of melatonin, and therefore irregular menstruation cycles or with very short or too long.

E 'was also found that overweight women are more prone to irregular cycles, the doctors' advice is to recover the lost sleep, eat a balanced diet and physical activity.

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