Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunscreens: How to choose the right one for your skin

The sunscreen is one of the cosmetic products that should never miss in your bag on vacation. We can forget about everything, but not adequately protect our skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays when we go to the sea or mountains. It 's a form of respect towards us and an insurance policy on future health.

We speak of tanning, we all want more homogeneous and intense as possible, to take on that look good naturally healthy and radiant skin that makes us feel so beautiful and fit. But to achieve these results, it is essential to protect the skin from UV-B (those that act on the surface, causing sunburn), but especially from the most harmful UV-A rays, which penetrate into the deep layer of the skin, damaging it so irreversible.

For this reason, there are creams with sunscreens, which act as a mirror, refracting the ray, UV and sun protection factor numbers which tells us what we can spend time under the hot sun before getting burned. Memo to unravel in the plethora of lotions, ointments and related protective factors, we come to the rescue of PF! Below you will find descriptions of the four skin types (ie types of skin and skin) is most prevalent in Europe, associated with the type of sunscreen suitable for everyone.

Sunscreens: Phototype Such a woman has a milky complexion, her eyes very bright, often light blond or red hair and freckles on her face. It is a type of skin virtually free of melanin that can not tan but could greatly damage the epidermis and the terms of the development of tumors such as melanoma, if not protected with a screen almost complete.

Skin type 1 is essential for a sunscreen with SPF 50 + Sunscreens: 2 Phototype reach the second phototype. This is a very light complexion, blond or brown typical of clear, with blue or green eyes. Compared to the previous skin type, this type of skin turns a little bit more, because it has a higher amount of melanin, but always still very delicate.

High risk of burns and rashes without adequate protection. For the phototype 2, we suggest a very high protection sunscreen (SPF 50 +) for the face and delicate areas of the body for at least the first 2-3 days of exposure. Next, you can climb to a cream a little 'less-transparent, for example with 30 + SPF, both on the face on the body.

Finally, only after that you will form a natural protective layer of the first tan, then the fourth consecutive day exhibition, you can switch to a cream with SPF 25 + for the face, and 15-20 + SPF for the return of the body. Sunscreens: Phototype popular 3: brown hair, dark skin, but that turns easily, or mottled brown eyes.

For this type of skin tanning is quite fast, but still need adequate protection. Specifically, during the first three days of exposure, we recommend a sunscreen protection factor in the medium (15 to 225 + SPF), and then, once activated the production of melanin, you can get a product with 15-10 + SPF.

Sunscreens: 4 Phototype And here we come to the classic Mediterranean complexion, the olive, while her hair and eyes are dark. Although often pale in the winter months, this hard skin type burns in a devastating way, because it is naturally endowed with a lot of melanin. Women with skin type 4, then, may be exposed to the sun with more quiet than other skin types, but with adequate protection (remember that the damage of UV-B to the dermis are not seen at the time, but causes premature aging and disease) .

The sunscreen for this skin type, from the earliest days of exposure will therefore be in tune with SPF 15 +, dropping to low (10 to 6 + SPF) in the following days. For more info on sunscreens, also read: Tanning: The best protection solariAbbronzatura: the importance of sun creams solariCrema: Do not use last year's!

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