Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Try costume 2011: pilates to tone the buttocks

Try costume 2011 ... ready? Eh, I know not ... right? Dear friends, you're in good company, as accomplices of the first heat, the Italians already in this month of April they tried to venture into the sun-kissed beaches with spring ... disheartening results. But girls, objectively, if we do not want to get fat and rolls in August with that overflow from our beautiful new bikini, I must begin immediately to do something.

A little 'diet, and exercise some sacrifice are the tools for getting into shape. Usually, one of the troubles of the girls is the side B, ie, the buttocks. Let's face it, often the side is nice, maybe not perfect but nice, "holds" everything, so to speak, but when we turn around, the effect is not quite the same.

Often it is not the cellulite problem, because the tone of the tissues. How do you firm up your buttocks? Forget creams, mud and anything else that promise miracles, and put yourself in the head that act on the muscles of our ass, we need to exercise. Today there propose a pilates, very effective, which is called bridging.

It is not difficult, and if you are consistent in practice every day, you will see that for the August holidays will be a figure. Let's see how it performs. We need to put in a supine position, arms parallel to the long body and legs bent with feet flat on the floor with the whole plant and far as your hips.

Now, exhale, pull back from the ground and lift your buttocks together, always keeping his feet firmly adherent to the ground. Exhale and slowly lower the pelvis, without touching the ground. It is very important that you keep your abdominal muscles do not contract for arching your back too.

You must have started with 10 consecutive runs, increasing to 10 a week for up to a maximum of 30 per day. You'll see what results!

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