Saturday, April 30, 2011

Will and Kate and English cuisine: cakes with strawberry jam

Today is the day of the wedding of Will and Kate, and we pay tribute to the newlyweds by offering you a nice and easy recipe of English cuisine, the cakes with strawberry jam, also known as Strawberry jam tart, are very good and genuine, perfect for children . The muffins look like Strawberry jam tart but a little 'different, because we will make a cavity above and then fill it with delicious strawberry jam.

Ingredients for the cakes with strawberry jam (serves 4) Preparation Take a bowl and place the butter, egg and sugar, stir with a whisk and add milk and a pinch of salt, the built-in self raising flour and mix well until creamy and smooth. Take 6 stencils, imburrateli and dredge in flour, the center put a Pirrottina of paper inside with a nut, bake cookies in the oven at 180 ° C for 15 to 20 minutes.

Remove the cakes from the oven, then remove the Pirrottina and put in the middle of strawberry jam. Serve with a little 'sugar icing.

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