Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to keep a man

How to keep a man? Now that's a question for a million dollars, right? The first question to ask, in my opinion, is not so much how to keep it, but we are sure that it is the right one? We are sure that he is the person with which to build something important? If the answer is yes then you should try to give an answer the big question on how to keep it, although I believe that if he loves us and loves us, there will be no need to "keep him" but he'll make this to happen and take "hold" tight! A man is a complicated creature as much as we women, this means that there are no manuals or rules that are good for everyone, you just need to put aside pride, not to deny themselves and compromise, making sure that these trade-offs become compromising to the point of putting him on top of us, in the sense that come meet must be reciprocal, there is no one to put on another in any circumstances, and this is the error that we do, to put men on canceling a pedestal ourselves.

To keep a man must be themselves, we should not abide by him, not mold us as we think it would take him, because if you stay with us is because we're good, so no psychopathies galloping! Try to keep in shape, first for yourself and then be nice for him too, but not carelessly agghindatevi not a party, follow your character but do not overdo it! Then you have to keep in my own life, to have things to tell and to share in order to have interesting things with which to compare and not be dependent on him.

If you have a particularly arrogant or proud, a bit blunt 'your corner and try to avoid unnecessary debates or at least avoid making the offenses for days, nobody needs to be resentful and takes time to be happy. Do not criticize too his friends and his mom, do not complain about everything (it's not nice when he does, right?), Do not treat him like a puppet that is dressed like that, so do not do this, do not do that etc.

proibitegli and then not go out alone with his friends or her friends (of course, normal friends, not those with benefits) if it has ... the trust is very important and the more I give, the more I earn! I try to act like I want him to behave with me, of course, is not guaranteed to work despite all our good intentions, in fact I'm single! And you my dear readers fidanzatissime ...

you have to give me advice and to share with other friends of The Post Style?

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