Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dark Spots on Face? 5 Rules of Beauty to treat and prevent them

The dark spots on the face are a problem that plagues many women, and even some men. These are spots that appear on the skin with a color darker than normal color: brown or brown usually occur. You're plagued by dark spots on the skin and would like to treat them and make them disappear? To make the color uniform you must treat your skin with perseverance and the right products for a long time, but following these tips you will definitely improve the situation.

What Are the dark spots? The dark spots are nothing more than normal discoloration of the skin color. They are generally brown spots that may have different sizes and are located mainly on the forehead, cheeks and temples. The spots are caused by increased melanin in certain areas. The spots on the skin can however be of a different nature: for this reason is used to locate and identify a special light, called Wood's light.

The dark spots on the face are often classified as melasma, a non-dangerous spots on the skin. Why do dark spots appear on the skin? The dark patches often appear during pregnancy, as a result of taking the pill and other medications that affect hormones. Even the use of wrong products that interact in the wrong way with the rays of the sun can bring up spots on the skin.

Sun exposure accentuates the spots already on the face, and excessive sun exposure can make it appear new. How to Act in Case of dark spots? The first rule, which is also the most important, is expected to undergo a skin examination: this is essential to determine which type is the spot to make sure that it is not a melanoma or dangerous spots for the health that you do not stop layer of the skin but beyond.

Once the diagnosis determined with the help of a dermatologist may be undertaken by the dark spots. The following recommendations concerning the treatment of melasma, which is the most common stains that appear on the face of women.

1. Always Protect Your Skin with Sun Protection Sun protection is absolutely essential to protect the skin from the sun, prevent new spots appear and worsen those already present on the epidermis.
Apply a sunscreen every day, even during the winter, spreading it evenly all over your face. Do not make the mistake of applying security patches on only because the rest of the face must be protected!

2. Take food supplements and antioxidants for oral nutritional supplements and antioxidant foods, too, are of great help to protect the skin from the sun, avoid sunburn and sun spots and reduce skin aging.
What are the substances to be preferred? Choose foods and supplements that contain beta-carotene, lycopene, selenium, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, resveratrol.

3. Products Antioxidants act and soothing the Day The ideal is to give the skin a healthy dose of antioxidants, to be applied under the sunscreen every day and at night before going to bed.
Choose products based on vitamin C and vitamin E, B vitamins, alpha-lipoic acid, ginkgo biloba, chamomile, shea butter, musk rose.

4. Use Whitening Products (Coupled with the Exfoliating Night) In addition to the targeted treatment against stains that sees the union of sun protection products, and more antioxidants, you can use exfoliating and lightening products.
The lightening products are based on idrossiaci, azelaic acid, glycolic acid, Kojic acid, phytic acid and must be applied cautiously, always making sure that the skin does not have allergic reactions. Should be used in winter because the sunlight is less and no longer as strong as in summer.
Then you can match products to lightening exfoliating products, but this is only done before going to sleep because it is a great treat. The products are the exfoliating scrub and polish the skin. Again, it is essential to use them in combination only in the evening because they are often photosensitizers: sensitize the skin and may have strange reactions in combination with the rays of the sun.

5. Avoid Aggressive Treatment Scrub and Summer This is another rule to keep in mind: the treatments to lighten the skin should be reserved exclusively for autumn and winter, because during the summer season only goes skin protected with sunscreen and unsolicited in any way, which could give rise to new spots.

Some treatments can thin the skin and make it more sensitive to the rays of summer sun. The Laser for Dark Spots There are also treatments dermatologists to remove stains: often speaks of lasers to eliminate the dark spots of melanin.
These treatments are carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist and it is good to talk in depth with him, inquiring about the risks and results.

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