Tuesday, February 22, 2011

White Teeth: Smile presumed

The white teeth are a sign of health and wear a white smile has become an important aesthetic. To display a bright white smile is not necessary to immediately use professional solutions and go through the dentist. In fact, follow some of the tricks that show you can avoid having to resort to put in the hands of experts to show off white teeth.

Having white teeth and healthy is not difficult, but it is necessary to take into account that different types of enamel. Some people have more yellow enamel and get to wear a white smile will cost a bit more dedication. Other people, however, naturally have a glaze over white and get a pure white will take much less time.

But except for serious dental problems, have whiter teeth is possible for everyone. Whitening toothpaste is your best ally. If you use it whenever you brush your teeth, you'll notice the effect, but it should not be too strong or aggressive to the gums and enamel. If you are the always wondered how to know blancosdebes teeth, of course, proper hygiene is a crucial key.

In addition, avoiding substances such as snuff, coffee and alcohol also help to have whiter teeth. There are tricks you can use for your tooth whitening will not get you much time or cost you money. If you mix water with a pinch of baking soda and use the mixture in the brush, you'll notice the results.

You can also use the lemon as a "weapon" against the yellow teeth. If you mix the lemon with water and use to brush once a day, you'll notice quickly that works. Another ally effective is aloe vera. This plant has many properties, among them, is to enhance the white of your teeth. If you extract the gel that looks like this cactus within and use it in your brush, you can improve the color of your teeth.

If the aloe vera is not going with you and you prefer something sweeter, do not worry, because the pulp mill achieves a very similar effect. Do not keep wondering how to get whiter teeth and get down to work.

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