Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Folic acid prevents birth defects in pregnancy: a help it from

When expecting a child, your body becomes and the substances of our body are also having an influence on that of the small child she was carrying. The 163 chemicals in the body of pregnant women are transferred also in that of fetuses with unpredictable consequences. The absence, however, involves other components of structural deficiencies, such as folic acid which, taken in pregnancy, eliminate the risk of birth defects.

According to research by the University of South Carolina, directed by Dr. Roger Stevenson and published in the Journal of Pediatrics, taking folic acid during the gestation period for the child builds a defense against neural tube defects and congenital defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.

Scientists have studied these diseases in the territory of South Carolina for a period ranging from 1992 to 2009, choosing this region because there is a particular incidence of diseases of the neural tube. The survey was conducted by interviewing the mothers - women aged 15 to 45 years - and collecting data from archives.

In this way it was possible to notice a contrast: during the observation period, the number of children suffering from diseases of the neural tube has fallen sharply, down 58%. Such a recession, according to experts, is about folic acid, consumed by 5% of women in the early and work as much as 35% in the final period of observation.

Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is confirmed as a critical component for a safe pregnancy must preserve the health of the unborn. Usually, folic acid is taken with food and also resides in the intestinal flora and should be taken within 30 days after conception, at that stage where we do not know they are pregnant.

How do you do? In practice, when we want to conceive or when planning pregnancy, you should take a daily dose of folic acid in support of the one introduced with food. Among the dietary advice in pregnancy, therefore, we introduce the consumption of certain foods such as leafy green vegetables - spinach, broccoli, asparagus, lettuce - oranges, legumes, cereals, fruits such as lemons, kiwi, strawberries, and liver but loses most of folate in the cooking process.

The American study, for now, it's just the beginning, but it is important to their attention towards nutrition as central to vitamin intake during pregnancy.

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