Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shopping carts full of bacteria are dirty and dangerous to health

If we want to eat, we must also do the shopping! Regardless of whether we have a family behind, or should we provide for our needs only, the expense is an action which usually appears when the fridge just begging us to fill it with something, even if only a bottle of water. More than the market, the supermarket is the place for our shipments and, even if we are single, also to catch the eyes of our peers.

What I did not know is that, with food then take home, we are actually taking a walk around the aisles of the supermarket also swarms of bacteria and microbes that lurk inside the shopping carts. We passed completely the desire to go shopping? The gruesome discovery was made so by microbiologists led by Charles Gerba University of Arizona who analyzed the supermarket carts coming to the shocking conclusion that the hygiene department stores, not only leaves much to be desired, but it is even harmful to health visitors.

The real repository of microbes and bacteria are the handles of the carts on which, in 72% of cases, there are fecal bacteria Escherichia coli and 50%, the same agent that causes many infections, gastro-intestinal, genito-urinary or even meningitis in children. Beyond the easy conclusions, experts warn that does not mean shopping at the supermarket is a risk to health.

Moreover, our body is a body in continuous contact with the microcosm of bacteria and viruses that surround us, but the housewives are warned: it is better not to expose themselves more than usual, perhaps using disposable gloves made generally available in fruit stalls and that, at this point, the entry should be used already, even before you take your cart and proceed to the shopping tour.

According to the results of the research team headed by Gerba, other places are equally dangerous to the high concentration of bacteria. "In department stores is expected to be sufficient to disinfect the bathrooms to avoid contamination - commented Professor Gerba, lead author of the research - and you do not think people grasp the trucks and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.

Not to mention the trucks airports: Once on board passengers grabbed them touch the food just wiping his hands with the towel offered by the hostess. " In public bathrooms, planes, trains, the seats of public transportation, elevator buttons and computer keyboards, the researchers found the amount of germs that make one shiver.

And if we thought to save the environment thanks to the recycled cloth bag for shopping, we were actually still carrying around the virus taken while spending the nests we were unaware of the bacteria on the truck. However, there is no cause for alarm, but laviamoci hands very often, whenever we can and maybe we'll be a little safer.

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