Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The sun attacks the health of the skin cancer increase the risk of sunburn

The first thing that we appreciate the warm weather, the heat of the sun on your skin. We imagine already lying in the sun on deserted beaches, with no hint that there repairs that are not palm trees, that goes with the skin becoming darker. Such a scenario can easily turn a dream into reality, with the only trick to lie in the sun only after having duly coated with sunscreen.

More than one Italian out of ten (12%), in fact, exhibits no filters of any kind, while one in four (24%) did not use sunscreen and those who do choose them too light (53%), with the result that half burns (51%). We already know that tanning is not complete, so we decide to at least protect us better.

If we are responsible adults and consciously decide not to protect our skin, the same should not happen to children who are most vulnerable and do not even know that playing in the sun can hurt him. 96% of parents filled with the body cream for their children to make them more freedom to move around the sun, but still 56% forget to scale well on the head a nice hat, or to put on a T-shirt (89%) and goggles sun (83%), making them the most frequent victims of rashes and blisters from sunburn in 41% of cases.

Data from the National Cancer Institute are very disturbing: every year there is an increase of about 3% of melanoma cases among children. The most deadly type of skin cancer was first considered a disease rare among the almost young, but now are found in several cases due to congenital left unchecked, but also of bad habits under the rays of the blazing sun.

Research has shown that skin cancer can be fought with the sap of Euphorbia, but let us consider the hopes of future care. Instead we plan our health right now, protecting us. In Italy, experts dell'Adoi (Association of Italian hospital dermatologists), together with La Roche-Posay, for the third year promoting the awareness project titled Myskincheck, an initiative that will provide the Italians all information on the subject, allowing to undergo free skin 5 000 visits throughout the country.

And 'this is the right time to inform us in more detail about risks and benefits of the sun on your skin. In this case, between the beauty tips that pass from mother to daughter, can not miss the least possible exposure to the sun, as our grandmothers rarely went off around their faces were tanned and relaxed and hydrated.

One reason he had to be there, do not you? But beyond the physical aspect, the sun damages the health if not taken with proper precautions. Only then we will be fine and safe!

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