Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to keep fit during pregnancy

Keeping fit during pregnancy has become almost an obsession for many expectant mothers, probably due to the influence of stars and Divette with the belly, that peep out from the pages of gossip magazines with a supple and enviable line up to ninth month. How is this possible? Magic? No, not at all, any pregnant woman can pass the fateful nine months without too much increase in weight.

The essential thing is not to get caught by the anxiety of being thin at any cost, because diets and excessive sports will impact very negatively on the welfare of mother and fetus. Let's see, instead, what are the tricks, simple to stay in shape during pregnancy. Starting from the premise that your pregnancy is perfectly normal (meaning not at risk) and you're normal weight, to maintain the status quo so as not to end up with 20 pounds more after delivery, you must follow some rules.

Meanwhile, the power supply. Study it with your gynecologist because calorie intake should be sufficient to ensure the baby all the nutrients needed for its proper development. Split a meal so they are always five (the three major plus two snacks mid-morning and afternoon), very light, which never lack cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Drink a lot, and hire some good diuretic herbal teas and relaxing. Eliminate cigarettes, but alcohol (except for some tears from time to time) and exciting drinks. Away from the fridge and pantry too sweet or too salty snacks, ice cream, cookies, stuffings, sausages, pizzas and more. Eat lots of good soups, so get out of some whim with dried fruit, enjoy fresh seafood cooked in a healthy and light.

Fate of sport, or rather the movement. The sedentary mothers are more prone to water retention and excessive weight gain. Choose moderate physical activities such as aerobics, yoga, swimming, even just walking, if you do not like to join the gym. Excellent choice even pilates. Take gymnastics suits always very soft and comfortable so as not to "force" any part of your body, threatening to stop the movement.

Except to assess problems with the gynecologist, you can exercise until the ninth month of pregnancy, which will also allow you to have an easier childbirth. You will see that you will fall into your old jeans, once the baby is born, in no time!

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