Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What causes swollen hands and what exercises can help you?

Waking up with swollen hands and wonder: what's happening to me? This type can happen, indeed, it is often happened to all of us. It is not strange or uncommon to suffer from edema of the hands, a disorder that may have caused the most disparate, but in most cases, and in the absence of other symptoms more specific, does not indicate anything particularly serious.

However, since this is a very unpleasant feeling, a feeling of anxiety takes over and we alarmism. Today explore together their common causes that lead to a swelling of our hands, which lose their so perfect tapered shape, and what exercises are useful for the absorption of edema. Swollen hands: the causes swollen hands may be due to many organic causes, in good proportion absolutely transient.

One of the most common responses you might get from a specialist, if you went to visit you saying that you wake up in the morning with the chubby little hands more than normal, it would be something like this: "Madam, you have too much salt in the bloodstream and your body responds holding liquids.

Take a good low sodium diet for a few days and will see that the noise will disappear. " A classic is, for example, water retention in the evening next to a pizzeria. The dough is, in fact, a food that contains more sodium at all. Increase the consumption of foods rich in water and draining effect, such as fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved foods eliminate and reduce the added salt in cooking can help a great deal to eliminate the phenomenon of swollen hands.

However, if the problem persists, you should conduct further analysis to discover that the swelling is not the alarm of some more serious disease. Kidney problems, liver disease, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, heart disease, poor blood circulation or the peripheral microcirculation are many possible causes of swollen hands.

The cold has a significant effect in this case, the swelling associated with cyanotic coloration of the extremities. The advice is to go to a doctor for any doubts. There are also some special exercises for the hands that can help to eliminate the swelling. Let's see. Swollen hands: the eserciziEcco, below, three simple exercises to reduce the swelling of the hands and also to keep fit and streamlined.

You can run them whenever you want, even several times a day.

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