Friday, June 10, 2011

Are you sad? Back in a yellow dress and the Cellular Telecommunications

The colors play an important role in our lives: they are able to influence mood and communicate different messages depending on the shade chosen. It is also important to choose colors that look good, it is also interesting to see recommended colors for the walls, but did you know that simply changing the color of your clothes can stimulate good mood when you're down in the dumps? According to several recent studies, just a yellow piece of clothing to find the humor when you are sad or down.

That's right: the color yellow is a cheerful, energetic, cheerful, lively, and it seems that his vision transmit joy. On the other hand it is not uncommon to choose the colors of clothing according to their mood, even unconsciously. Any color you choose says something about you and your personality, reveals what is your mood and how you relate with people.

For this you can take your choice of colors as a real strategy, wearing the colors to find the best laugh when you're down in the dumps. If you have not already, buy a yellow shirt that you like and you're good and use it as a remedy for the days more gray.

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