Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lose 10 kg in the diet metabolic? Here's how

Lose 10 kg is not easy and it is especially important not to rush to be able to reach the target accurately. The metabolic diets may help us because they are based on calorie counting, but the food during the day should be chosen according to a certain sequence: of course I always prefer some foods and exclude others, which may be damage to the metabolism generates overweight.

For a slow metabolism, are preferred carbohydrates such as cereals and vegetable protein for dinner, white meat and fish for lunch. To restrict dairy products and especially the meats and the fresh fruit should be taken preferably in the morning for breakfast. Avoid vegetables for lunch and dinner, which have a high content of purines which include asparagus, beetroot, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, radishes, spinach, celery and cabbage.

Let's see an example of metabolic diet for those who have lost over 10 kg and should be followed for at least 4 weeks at least. For the first step try to prevent the oil: only 2 days a week. Morning: Fresh fruit to vary freely (even two different types together, such as: 1 apple + 1 + 1 banana 2 kiwi or pear) tea (mallow, nettle, fennel, verbena) sweetener (fructose) and coffee or coffee barley META 'MORNING fruit juice or fruit juice with no added sugar (+ breakfast drink) Chicken MEAL - guinea fowl - turkey (preferably the chest) - cockerel - rabbit - veal - lamb.

Alternating with fish and vegetables to choose from: salad leaves (all) - beets - chicory - broccoli - broccoli META 'AFTERNOON Optional mid-morning as the first evening * DINNER: Pasta or rice or potatoes + vegetables * 2nd night: vegetable mixed and / or vegetable soup * 3rd night: vegetables or mushrooms + verdureCONDIMENTI Sale - lemon - aromatic spices - vinegar.

Occasionally, even nuts or vegetable tomato sauce. WARNINGS Keep separate any food at least a day.

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