Friday, June 3, 2011

The skin becomes accustomed to the cream? Do not be fooled by the marketing of cosmetics manufacturers

Among friends, we often talk about beauty products and skin care and face is not uncommon to be faced with a common question: is it true that sometimes you have to change products because the skin has become accustomed to the cream and it does not work anymore right? This is a subject on which there are many doubts and few concrete answers, especially from large cosmetic manufacturers.

Learn why it is not true that the skin gets used to the creams and what is due to the feeling that a product is no longer effective. The skin becomes accustomed to the cream? The answer is no, your skin gets used to the creams and products of beauty. But above all, after some 'time you use one beauty product that does not stop working all'imrpovviso.

This is only common places scattered around the web and underlined by the companies of beauty products, which have a higher gain if consumers continue to buy new beauty products because they believe that the skin has become accustomed to the usual cream. Because sometimes it seems that the cream would be more effective? Many are not aware that the skin subtly change depending on many factors: heat, cold and hormones are some of the reasons why the skin changes.

In winter, when the weather is cold and you sweat less, your skin needs a product does not look full and rich for dry and dehydrated. During the warm season, however, the wet and humid climate requires that the face is used only a light fluid, without too much fat to not rub the skin. In short, when beauty products seem to work best is often because the skin has changed and it needs something else.

In fact it is wrong to use the same product throughout the year, but it's good to have on hand to apply to different products depending on how the skin of the face appears. The ideal beauty case thus contains a rich and emollient cream for cold weather, a lighter fluid to hot weather, a product of average weight to softening when the temperature is too hot or cold.

The same is true for hormones: the first cycle often the skin is oily, after the cycle has been more dry. The use of a product must rely on common sense and careful observation of the skin. But the components of a skin cream can get used to? Some people think instead of the skin becomes accustomed to the components of the cream (such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin A, etc.) and then after a certain period of use those ingredients do not work as well as in the beginning.

In reality it is not: it can happen that instead of beginning the skin was very dry and then either become fat due to the use of a very rich cream. Or the skin has improved since he began using the product and it seems that the cream does not do more acting, but the cream always works the same way and you can expect other results.

Not convinced? Here's an example that will make you more aware. The body needs carbohydrates, proteins and fats every day, has never become accustomed to a particular ingredient, it would be foolish to remove the salad after you've eaten every day for a month because "the body has become accustomed" to nutritious salad

Likewise the skin needs of a barrier cream every day and certainly do not get used to the vitamin C cream, or any ingredient of beauty product. Unless a cream has not expired, the ingredients will continue to work the same way. The solution to choose the right products In conclusion, it is essential to look carefully at the skin every day and understand what it needs at that time.

They are not the products that have become less effective, but it is the skin that needs something else at some stage. An example? A dry skin can be moisturized with a product high in fat, but once the skin is still standard in the use of cosmetic fat face may be covered with pimples and points blacks.

Everything is to use the right products at the right time, in order to observe the concrete results and give the skin what it needs.

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