Monday, July 11, 2011

Mothers most at risk for postpartum depression after a cesarean

Postpartum depression is a serious syndrome that affects many mothers in a subtle way, making what should be one of the best moments in the life of a woman, a real nightmare. Sick with a newborn to care for, is a condition very heavy to handle. About the causes of depression, many assumptions were made about it, probably it is a disease of genetic origin in large part, in the sense that there is a predisposition of the mother to suffer, but there are also environmental factors.

For example, it seems that the month in which the child gives birth to affects, and is fresh news to represent additional risk factor is also the mode of delivery. A study conducted by researchers at the National Young Ming University in Taiwan, which involved 10 thousand new mothers well, has discovered that those who had given birth to their children thanks to surgery, had shown a greater tendency to fall into depression one third compared to the other.

The study, which analyzed all the medical records of women sampled, also showed a further increased incidence of depression (48% more) in mothers who had chosen and planned to give birth by Caesarean section, compared to those who had been submitted as emergency treatment. "The reasons that bind cesarean and depression are different - the researchers said, through the pages of the journal Birth - A cause may be the most time to recover physically after the surgery, but there is also a sense of inadequacy of mothers when the surgeon to deliver the baby.

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