Monday, February 28, 2011

Horoscope February 28, 2011: the stars for all zodiac signs

Begins a new week and the stars are magnanimous as always ready to help and every day. Here is the horoscope sign for our usual sign that there will be an opportunity to peek a little early the day today, February 28, 2011. As always, it will not fail and the unexpected luck, but to compensate there will be many opportunities.

The secret as you know is the right way to react in the face of difficulties, so able to overcome them peacefully and be able to fully enjoy the pleasures of life, not waste them with our mood swings! So even if you are looking for the keys to an easier life, or if you simply curious peek at your horoscope, just to see if the predictions of the stars come true or not, do not waste time and go looking for your zodiac sign.

ARIES Week starts lazy, you will see a little bit slow. Unfortunately, the stars say the day will be busy today. So convenient to have breakfast with a double mocha! TORO Monday by lions. Today at work will be impeccable, even if my colleagues will find a little too critical. Try not to behave so obnoxious, not every day you woke up with a little something extra.

GEMINI A surprise in store for you. Although it should please you, in reality it will be something unexpected, which may annoy you at the beginning. Try not to hurt but the person who thought of you a pleasant thought! CANCER Over the weekend you were not so thrifty and today the costs will be limited if not nil.

Unfortunately, there will be unforeseen and perhaps you need to ask for money to your parents. Be more foresight in the future! A LION February 28 that will see you quite controversial, especially with partners. The stars invite you not to be outspoken and speak with sincerity of the real reasons that make you so nervous.

VIRGIN Week starts on positive, but warned that today there are numerous reasons for stress, mainly because of the friends who torment with their problems. Learn not to make them available too! LIBRA You should weigh the words best not to risk being rude with those who do not deserve it really.

Today, so be careful not to lose your temper or misunderstandings were not lacking. SCORPIO A bad mood will make you rather negative and pessimistic. To improve the course of the day you first need to change attitude: try to look on the bright side, even when it is really subtle! SAGITTARIUS a Monday rather than challenging you may get tired a lot.

Try not to overuse your energy and put off something until tomorrow, otherwise you risk a bad headache. CAPRICORN Today you will be very distracted and thoughtful and for the risk of forgetting something important. Better to write down since the morning you have to do, so maybe avoid getting into trouble! AQUARIUS A promising Monday that could help solve a serious problem.

Be optimistic and do not let that bring down the times, bad times, now the stars say that everything can change! FISH will be up to you to choose whether to see the glass half full or half empty. Sometimes problems seem insurmountable to us only because we face them with a lot of negativity, there is always a solution to everything!

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