Monday, March 28, 2011

Dessert recipes: croissant with ice cream

The croissant dessert with ice cream is a delicious and easy that you can do at home if you are at a dinner party at the last minute! The croissants with cream are very easy and you can customize them by putting the ice cream flavor that you prefer or even add nuts, chocolate chips, etc.. If this dessert is for children, do not put the whiskey, might not be welcomed by smaller although very little.

Ingredients for the croissants with ice cream (serves 4) Preparation Take the ice cream, put it in a glass bowl and let soften, then add the cream of whiskey and mix well. With a sharp knife cut a cap from the croissants, fill with chocolate ice cream flavored with whiskey and then close the cap.

Place the croissants on a serving platter and serve immediately. If you do not serve immediately, prepare croissants and fill with ice cream from freezer 5-10 minutes before removing.

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