Saturday, March 12, 2011

Facebook: use increases self-esteem

Who would have thought that Facebook also beneficial to our self-esteem! Well you my dear girls, research has shown that having a profile on Facebook to help keep up our self-esteem, the mechanism is simple enough, Facebook is easier to hide our faults and to show our qualities, people are know based on those and maybe there is more compliments, we get more signs of approval and in the end, our self-esteem derives benefit! The research was conducted by doctors at Cornell University and has since been published in scientific journals CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.

The speech obviously does not apply to Facebook, but for social networking in general, so also in the general chat and Twitter, where people often have to talk to strangers. The research was conducted by two doctors Jeffrey Hancock and Amy Gonzales, involving 63 university students who were subsequently divided into three groups.

The first group was allowed free access to Facebook no time limits, the second access was allowed at a time but finally the third absolute prohibition of using the Internet. At the end of the study all children were given a questionnaire for measuring self-esteem, it was found that children who could use Facebook had much more self-esteem than those who could not use it.

It 's time to open a profile on Facebook if you have not already! You will also find us at The Style Post on Facebook, click on "I like" to stay in touch with us!

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