Saturday, March 26, 2011

Heart stronger with safflower oil: it avoids the risk of heart disease

When research focuses on health, we can be sure that a result will always hope. Lately, however, the results speak of a perfect marriage between power and welfare. So it's not surprising to learn that heart disease can be prevented by 2 teaspoons safflower oil per day. After we established that extra virgin olive saves against cancer, we can not accept that an equally hopeful that further discussions.

The thistle is a plant similar to saffron, the spice that agrees with the bright colors and sunny, but not the same flavor. The Ohio State University researchers, led by Martha Belury, professor of human nutrition, have found that a small amount of safflower oil, equivalent to just less than two teaspoons a day for 16 weeks, may help keep diseases at bay heart.

The study, published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, showed that this particular type of vegetable oil can improve the parameters involved in the good cholesterol, in the presence of blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. In addition, also lowers levels of inflammation in obese postmenopausal women suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Hazelnuts are good for the heart by lowering bad cholesterol, and now this other vegetable fat confirms the beneficial properties inherent in food. Safflower oil is so effective because it contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid family of Omega6. Omega-3 have so far been the main protagonists of the attention of experts, but now open new scenarios.

"The health benefits of omega3 seem convincing - says Dr. Martha Belury - but I think there is room for polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega6. We suspect that it may be through a mechanism that has not yet been identified. " The study, which lasted about 18 months, led to the discovery that this type of oil, after 16 weeks of daily supplement, can reduce abdominal fat in obese women with diabetes.

In addition to fighting depression omega 3, omega-6 offer additional benefits as yet unknown. Just integrate the safflower oil in our normal daily food intake for an immediate difference in the wellbeing of our body.

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