Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Yellow nails? Goodbye Yellow nails with Simple Remedies

Have you noticed that you have your nails yellow and ugly and you want to solve this annoying problem? Hands and nails are always on top and certainly not nice when others notice yellowing of your nails. Do not worry, it's possible to fight and eliminate the yellowing of the nails with simple and effective remedies.

Consistently following certain treatments do it yourself you can finally regain the natural color of your nails and strengthen them at the most. Why nails turn yellow? Before seeing the remedies, we begin to speak of the causes for which the nails turn yellow. There are different reasons why your nails may become yellow, and it is important to recognize their situation in order to choose the most appropriate solutions.

Coloured glazes and Aggressive The most common cause of yellowed nails is the application of colored glazes and often harsh on the nails without the use of a base before putting the colored enamel. Acetone also contributes to yellowing of the nails. Smokers often smoke yellow fingernails because of nicotine in the body that intoxicates even the nails and the yellow in no time.

The nails of the fingers holding the cigarette with which you are also more yellow due to the external contact. Diseases and disorders of the yellow nail health but may also be due to health reasons: psoriasis, onychomycosis, liver or gall bladder. The nails are indeed the mirror of health and is not rare to color the yellow at the first signs of disorders of the body.

Solutions for nails yellow in the case of nail fungus and other diseases is very important to apply as soon as possible to a specialist, so as to be prescribed the most suitable treatment for your situation. With the proper disposal of prescription medicines and healing right, you can resolve the problem quickly, you should not try to solve problems only with the largest DIY.

Even for those who smoke there's plenty to do: do it yourself treatments may be helpful in a minor part of the problem but the solution would be to eliminate the cigarettes and stop smoking permanently. This is also help to prevent and combat wrinkles. However, if your problem is the colored glazes can resolve the situation quickly: it is important to be steady and rely on the proposed remedies.

The key ingredients in solving the problem are baking soda and lemon. Nail Care Do It Yourself Yellow Phase 1 - Scrub with baking soda, extra virgin olive oil and lemon essential oil Put two tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl, add 5 drops of lemon essential oil and pour a tablespoon of olive oil in bowl.

Mix well and carefully rubs his hands and nails with this compound, with emphasis on yellow nails. Then leave for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. The baking soda is a great natural whitener, and the same goes for lemon essential oil, which enhances the work of whitening baking soda.

Olive oil helps to nourish the skin and nails at the same time. Step 2 - Bath squeezed lemon juice in the lemon juice in a bowl and soak your nails for at least 5 minutes: this will be of great help to whiten your nails and strengthen them. The lemon was in fact truly miraculous action to eliminate the yellowish nails! Step 3 - Massage with extra virgin olive oil and lemon essential oil Prepare a mix with 5 tablespoons of olive oil and 15 drops of essential oil of lemon: you can put in a glass bottle with dropper or in a vacuum botticino enamel cleaned and washed thoroughly.

After the scrub and bath in lemon juice and apply this mix on the nails leave for a few minutes, then massage your nails with care. It is a compound that helps strengthen the nails and bleach, making them beautiful. The ideal would be to do the full treatment once a week, but take a bath of lemon and nourishing massage every evening: this will make it possible to solve the problem of yellow nails much faster.

Even once you've solved the problem you should continue to follow this beauty treatment: it is a miracle for brittle nails and skin of the hands shall receive the same time. Other Tips for Saying Goodbye to the Yellow Nail For a shock treatment can also try hydrogen peroxide: just put a little on a cotton swab and apply the cotton swab soaked up all the nails, washing hands thoroughly afterwards.

But this remedy is quite aggressive and it is better to rely on the lemon. Also remember that it is essential to always apply a clear base glaze before: it helps protect the nail and not make it yellow. Replace acetone nail polish with a more delicate lever so you do not even attack the nail every time you take away the enamel.

In order to have beautiful nails do not forget that it is important to leave them without polish every now and proceed with regular treatments.

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