Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Swimming in the pool, how to protect ourselves from infections and ear infections

In the summer everyone wants to go to sea, but many have to fall back on the pool, the trouble is that in addition to being beautiful as the sea are also riskier, being indoors does not change with water that must always be careful to avoid infections. The so-called "wash-water disease" are the typical pathologies of those who go to the pool and they are: conjunctivitis, ear infections and skin infections.

Disorders decidedly not funny, right? The pools are pretty well set and kept safe, especially if we use small steps. The problems, and even serious, come when there is poor maintenance of sewage treatment plants, then between water, bacteria and heat hazards become uncontrollable. Do you think that the water temperature too hot and the presence, in suspension, nasal secretions, oropharyngeal and skin scales of bathers are a dangerous mix.

A danger comes from staphylococci that are most often injured in the skin, which is why the basic rule is never to go swimming in the swimming pool when you have a wound. Not only can contaminate the water but can also worsen our infection. The same applies if you have fever or sore throat.

It 'also important to shower before entering the water at home and never forget the shower slippers that protect us from contamination fungal, viral and bacterial. Before you jump in the pool is good to make sure it is a serious and one that ensures hygiene and safety. However, although there are miles to go, my advice is to go to the beach!

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