Friday, July 29, 2011

What is macrobiotic cooking and what are the tastiest recipes

Many people if they ask: What is the macrobiotic cooking and how I can follow it with good and healthy recipes? Today we will help you understand what the question, proposing to cook delicious dishes in an easy and healthy. The macrobiotic cooking (= large macros, bio = life, or long life) is a type of organic food that reminds some things vegetarian cuisine.

Traces of macrobiotic cooking are also found in ancient Chinese theories, such as the Yin and Yang. George Ohsawa, called this power just as "the application of philosophical principles to daily life in the East." Macrobiotic cooking recipe risotto with mushrooms and adzuki beans for 4 persons Ingredients: - 200 grams of brown rice - 100 grams of Azuki Beans - Mixed Mushrooms not grown - 3 tablespoons shoyu (soy sauce) - 1 gold onion - 1 / 2 tsp I put the rice Genmai - fresh mint taste - Extra virgin olive oil Preparation First Soak azuki beans in cold water for about 5 hours, as well as brown rice.

Meanwhile, heat a frying pan in 2 tablespoons oil, fry the onion and add mushrooms and cook a few minutes. United also rice and toast it, turn from time to time, add boiling water, to be three times the volume of rice, two tablespoons of shoyu and cook covered for 50 minutes over low heat.

Apart from azuki beans cook in water and then mix together, add the miso and the remaining rice Genmai tablespoon shoyu. Macrobiotic Cooking: Recipe panatine seitan Ingredients: - a loaf of 600 grams of seitan - 50 g breadcrumbs full - salt - organic vegetable oil for frying - wheat flour - 90 g * kuzu (starch is a macrobiotic) - corn on the cob organic corn - an onion - parsley - sesame seeds Preparation Combine the flour, a teaspoon of kuzu, a pinch of salt and warm water for a batter ottnere homogeneous rather dense.

Apart wash and boil the corn for about 5 minutes in plenty of water with a pinch of salt, drain and sgranatela. Peel the shallot, cut into small pieces and place in a saucepan with oil: you dry slowly and add the corn and stir for a few minutes. Add a teaspoon of kuzu diluted in half a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes, stirring.

Cut the seitan slices about 5 mm and plunge into the batter and coat well with breadcrumbs integral. Put plenty of oil for frying in a wok and when it is at room temperature, add slices of seitan also impastellate. Once they are golden well, let them drain and serve with corn, parsley and sesame seeds.

Macrobiotic Cooking: Recipe miles medallions with sesame seeds Ingredients: - 400 g of a mile - 2 onions - carrot - 60 g of wheat flour - 60 g almonds - Kuzu - salt - sesame oil - organic vegetable oil for frying Preparation: Wash and dry the millet and put it in a saucepan on the fire to dry, stirring constantly.

Then remove it from the heat and let cool slightly, add a quart of water with a pinch of salt and stir. Simmer again for about half an hour. Meanwhile, arrange the almonds on the bottom of a baking dish and place in oven for a few minutes. Once they are toasted and golden, peel and cut into thin slices.

Toss in a saucepan, a teaspoon of sesame oil, a teaspoon of kuzu diluted in half a glass of lukewarm water. Meanwhile, peeled onions and carrots, finely chopped and then dried in the whole pot with a tablespoon of sesame oil in a covered pan: Add millet and stir. Put all these ingredients in a bowl and form bake medallions in a wok with a little 'organic seed oil. Serve with the sauce of almonds.

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