Monday, February 21, 2011

Love at first sight? Born in head

Not a question of believing or not. The lightning is not an issue of views, but the result of the combination of certain chemicals in the brain that produce feelings of euphoria. Stephanie Ortigue of Syracuse University, USA, analyzed scientifically love at first sight and has published the results of his study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

This kind of spell would be, in reality, the result of the release of chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, vasopressin and adrenaline. And then, surprisingly, the "thunderbolt" ignite the brain, rather than the heart. "In fact, even the heart has an active role in this process," says Ortigue.

"The whole concept of love goes from the brain to the heart and vice versa. Like the "butterflies in the stomach" although there seem to be the manifestation of a feeling that comes from the heart, are actually caused by the activation of some areas of the brain. " Beware, though: the fact that love at first sight is a real scientific fact, does not mean that the relationship is destined to last, warns Salida Afridi, a clinical psychologist at the Institute of Human Relations in Dubai.

"In the beginning, you fall in love on a superficial level, but we must work to keep alive the report. Mainly young people, we tend to believe that love at first sight is the definitive one, but if we do not strive, lasts three or four months to three or four years at most. " According to McCarthy Roghy of Counselling and Development Clinic in Dubai, would be the men to be more likely to fall in love at first sight.

And even if the woman does not return the feelings now, man may be able to convince her. It is difficult, however, that the opposite happens.

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