Thursday, March 17, 2011

DIY Tickets for Father's Day

Here we are: two days will be Father's Day. The gift is ready? Well, then, we must think of the greeting card. Children will be delighted to be able to do alone, with your help, especially if they are small and do not know yet written. There are many ideas to create a greeting card and, if you unleash the imagination, you will find that many things in your home to become fit to be applied over the decorations.

Are you ready? After seeing a few ideas to make a gift DIY, it's time to think about the ticket. First we have to procure all the necessary basic: The size of the card varies depending on how big you want to be the ticket. The procedure is certainly easier to draw and then paint something on the outside of the card, but you can enrich the ticket with the materials you have at home.

What are they? The pasta, such as butterflies, once painted, it can be pasted on the original ticket for an effect. Even the colored buttons can make a good impression, especially if they become the eyes of a character drawn. Of wool threads, instead, are transformed into hair! Do you have any dried flowers or fabric, maybe some old wedding favors? Then glue on the ticket! Even the simple bows made of scraps of cloth or tape will be used to decorate the card.

I bet the kids at home will certainly find something to enrich the original ticket for Father's Day. I do not wish you, as always, good work and have fun!

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