Monday, March 21, 2011

Do better

Given the terrible events that occurred in Japan these days one can not fail to be horrified, to surprise ... So many lives cut short, so many families, friendships, love stories of the broken overnight by the implacable will of nature. We are horrified at the misery of others, and we are also a frisson of apprehension comes with the certainty of our own weakness, that our lives, however much we think of them from the illusion of control as something solid, they are somewhat volatile and fleeting not even put to us daily.

And maybe we should do, we should really take the reins of our existence in a more honest, far from deceit and without fear. I raised it in the blog this week. Many times we rationalize, we hide behind in doubt to avoid doing things that we asked the heart. Suddenly, you soften thinking about calling your best friend from high school to that years ago you do not see, or chest swells you to spend a few moments before the boy's workplace that attracts you so much.

Siquiente when we began to think of excuses and reasons not to draw all kinds, not to take the first step in this new relationship. Within five minutes thinking about those feelings that we lit up like a dumb idea, what would be thinking. All because of fear of exposure, for fear of rejection, fear of losing control of our little universe.

We rationalize that fear to keep the false comfort, the false security of our life, or a self built precisely on insecurity. So we are betraying us, betraying our hearts and stop living being ourselves to become a pale and sad reflection of who we are, for very heavy on security reasons or claiming to be.

He saw the Japanese fighting for life, helping his generosity and courage, and I was thrilled with the purity and simplicity of their actions. Do not expect extreme situations to be honest, to be yourself. Reflect on what is truly important, discover your true feelings and honor them, live.

Call that friend who you miss, invited to dinner at that boy, show your heart to give anyone you want. If you're wrong, simply because your feelings have undergone no excuses will give you strength to face whatever the consequences. Mark Twain said that only we repent of what we have done, that our mistakes after all tend to make us better.

Our life, all is a gift to be lived. By Dr Michelle Nielsen

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