Monday, March 7, 2011

Macrobiotic diet: the healthy diet of 'celebs'

Discover the macrobiotic diet of celebrities with maintaining beautiful skin and extra kilos at bay. More than one way to eat healthy and natural, is a lifestyle. Posted in fashion for many models, actresses and icons "coated paper", the macrobiotic diet provides many benefits for saludademás inner harmony.

What is really this kind of food? Neither is a vegan diet (although it is in good part), or a slimming diet, going much further. Born at the beginning of the twentieth century in Japan, the hand of George Ohsawa, with the intention of relieving many ailments through nutrition, in the belief that most health problems, both physical and mental, are due to poor absorption of certain foods.

Although the macrobiotic diet does not prohibit any type of food, rejects the consumption of refined products (canned and processed foods contain chemicals that unbalance our vital energy) and advocates a diet based on living nutrients, especially of vegetable, cooked healthy, and eaten slowly (remember the wise words of Gandhi: "Drink your food and chew your drink.") Meat, fish, dairy and eggs must be present in small amounts, the basis of this diet centered on grains, legumes, vegetables, some fruits, seeds and protein, preferably natural or organic farming, and always comprehensive.

Among all plant foods, most grains are balanced, so the rice is the basis of such power. But for the macrobiotic diet to work you must be a successful combination between proteins, grains and legumes, and remember: every one of us must find our own balance, so if you decide to get started, it is best to look for a good adviser to guide you on your first steps.

Everything that surrounds us and is part of our body can be classified as yin and yang. Healthy diet, must have a balance of both energies. Foods are classified as "yin" (cold vegetable, sour, sweet ...) and "yang" (hot, salty, bitter ...) and should be combined wisely so as not to produce or deficiencies or excesses.

If we have too much yin energy (smoke, eat refined foods, alcohol or drugs), we must compensate by choosing foods with more cargo yang (eggs, meat, fish ... and long processes of cooking.) The best part? Choose neutral foods that contain a balanced proportion between the two, such as seeds, legumes and whole grains.

Perhaps largely unknown but nutritional treasures. These sea vegetables are very much on the macrobiotic diet because they provide the body with a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Are gems not only for health but for beauty as they keep the skin smooth and bright and pro-growth and hair healthy.

Add to your dishes a health plus in the market you can find a variety of natural algae in capsule, you want to know a Japanese beauty secret? Algae "Hizikia" rich in calcium and beta carotene with properties to strengthen the hair and skin tone. Take good note because they claim that one of the first changes you experience with the macrobiotic diet is the sense of balance, good mood and inner peace.

No wonder is a favorite of the 'celeb' ...

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