Monday, May 30, 2011

Give up smoking to find love?

Do you know that quitting smoking can help you find your prince charming? Since 1987, 31 May each year, the World Health Organization celebrates World No Snuff to identify the risks of smoking to health and encourage reduced consumption of consumption. Gone are the films like A Streetcar Named Desire, where the cigarette was daring and sexy touch to the young Marlon Brando.

Smoking can still be a great seduction technique and expression "Do you have fire?", A classic ice-breaker to approach the opposite sex. Especially now that the Spanish are getting used to the smoking ban, the smirting (a term that emerged in New York in 2003 and for the cross between the English words: smoking and flirting - smoking and flirting) is going strong in our country.

However, smoking has more disadvantages than advantages, including when to find love. A study of eDarling has shown that, despite the fact that smokers are more sociable singles and adventurers, they experience more anxiety, have worse physical condition and have lower self-esteem, making that may have fewer opportunities to meet and pick you a nonsmoker.

Only 40% of singles play sports smokers compared to 80% of non smokers who claim to practice it regularly. Smokers suffer more anxiety and feel less happy than non-smokers. 25% admit to fear the future, 20% feel discouraged and 10% are described as unstable. So if you're considering quitting to find your prince, now is the time, do not hesitate, put out his cigarette and commitment to a healthy, smoke free.

You'll have more chance of success, as you perceive it as a girl "healthy" and "sure of yourself." Low self-esteem of singles smoking makes them less demanding when looking for a partner. Factors such as education, income, physical appearance or religion are more important for those who do not smoke than for those who use snuff regularly.

Smokers are less demanding, but that it triggers in maintaining relationships, the quality is worse and not as durable as the relationship of non-smokers. Wiebke Neberich Psychologist, Doctor of Psychology of personal relationships Humboldt University of Berlin, concluded: "By having poorer health, low self-esteem and consider themselves worse, smokers tend to conform to the time for mating and decrease the level of demand.

definitely quitting is a first step to regain confidence and feel safe to start looking for a partner that is truly compatible with yourself. " Committed to life without snuff, you'll be happier with yourself and radiating happiness on all four sides and it will be easier to attract the person of your dreams.

Just say no to snuff, yes to love and begin to find your ideal mate. we propose a new way of doing this: go to "My Romance" and discover it.

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