Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sunburn: tips on how to prevent and treat

The sunburn is a real bugbear of all us girls sunbathers. This is a first-degree burns, caused, of course, from exposure to the sun without our skin has been properly prepared and protected. Basically, then, unless we are children, and our delicate skin you think about our mother, if there is the rash is because we were a bit 'risky.

You know when summer comes and we can finally enjoy the hot summer sun, lying on the beach, the rush to get the perfect tan dorarci and we end up neglecting the minimum requirements of prudence. Result? Reddened skin, and sore, itching, malaise, fever, sometimes by inflammation of the upper layer of our skin.

So what can you do? Let's see first how you can prevent the rash, which would be the best, and how we should treat it if we become affected. Sunburn: Prevent how to prevent sunburn is a matter of prudence and knowledge of their own skin. Sun exposure is in fact very nice and pleasant, but we know that UV-B and UV-A above, if absorbed without protective filters can seriously damage our skin and even stimulate the onset of melanoma.

Then, look! E 'must not face the direct heat of the sun without protection, especially in the early days of exposure. Wear sunscreen with a protection factor appropriate for your skin type is the first thing to do. Even dressing properly when walking on the beach or around town, in the sun, it is important: a hat and clothes in natural fibers like cotton and linen, are a good solution.

Veil parts of the body most sensitive and exposed, such as shoulders and arms, it is important when the skin is very clear and has not yet triggered the mechanism of production of melanin. Still, it is good to sip the hours you spend in the sun, split up so as not to take too much in a concentrated way in the early days.

Better start to gradually expose themselves, choosing initially the early hours of the morning to 11 and those of the second afternoon, after 16/16-30. Finally, to strengthen the skin naturally, you need to eat properly, eat lots of foods rich in beta-carotene in the spring months, such as carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, peaches, etc.

.. Sunburn: erythema occurs when the first intervention, in addition to depart immediately from direct sunlight, you must act now to block inflammation. If the burn is fairly large, and also causes fever and dizziness, you need to go to the doctor immediately, who, presumably, prescribe medicines and ointments of cortisone.

During this stage you must drink a lot to keep hydrated, dressed in clothing in natural fabrics and ventilated, and absolutely no exposure to the sun. It will take a few days because the acute phase, the most painful steps, and at least a week because the skin is regenerated. To try and calm the redness relief, you can also use home remedies rather effective.

However, remember that the do-it-yourself, in some cases it may be counterproductive, so before you put him trouble, always ask permission from your doctor! However, we see some of the methods "Grandma's" useful to relieve sunburn. Sunburn: Speaking of natural remedies sunburn, also read: Sunburn: evitarleProteggersi as the sun in the mountains: how to avoid sunburn

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