Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wellness: combat stress with dance

When we talk about being there is difficult, if not impossible, to separate the physical from the mental, but this way of thinking is not at all improper, indeed! The two are so closely related that, for example, a small headache can easily ruin my day and make us literally unbearable. When one speaks of nervous tension and stress is easy to understand how the body and mind are closely connected: if we do not feel calm our body is affected in a very strong with several demonstrations.

Over the past few years has really talked much stress, the reasons which lead us to have this illness and how it can fight. Of course, the lives we lead certainly does not help us, but we must at least try to detach from this daily routine carving out a moment of calm and tranquility maybe doing some activity that allows us to release tension and make us recall the well-being so tried.

For some time now as a sure remedy against this, in my opinion, is a real disease, there are recommended the famous oriental disciplines such as yoga, which in turn divided into other more specific categories, or Tai Chi, a martial art that, due to its slow movements, helps to relax the mind and body.

Beyond these disciplines sweet, now famous, funny and an effective anti-stress remedy would be to devote himself to dance, an activity that allows us to distract us getting the benefits from all points of view, releasing and discharging the accumulated tension in the over time. At this point I ask, "What kind of dance is best suited to beat stress?" Let's say that the dances are the busiest by far the most suitable because they help us, as mentioned before, to let go and jump behind the daily stress.

Some examples? If you want to go wild in the true sense of the word, is the perfect hip hop with his spectacular choreography otherwise, very fashionable lately, you could throw in between the notes involving the reggaeton or Africa. All very lively dance and rock that, thanks to this characteristic, they are perfectly capable of making us feel perfectly relaxed and full of energy.

Just try it.

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