Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mesotherapy, all you need to know

Sharp, yeah ... But one of the most effective techniques of beauty! Discover what is and what you can do one of the most traditional treatments, but no less effective: Mesotherapy, the best alternative to solve the aesthetic torment. The Mesoterapiauna aesthetic techniques more effective for treatment of cellulite and excess, sagging skin, acne, hair loss, dermatitis, and to give the skin an extra smooth skin aging if it gets to the heart of the problem take a flood of assets specific.

Infiltrate certain substances in terms of the issues involved, but in a very concrete: the mesoderm. According to its discoverer, Dr. Michel Pistor, is to apply "a little, rarely, in the right place," hence it is appropriate to be performed by a doctor, the only one qualified to determine what substances are ideal, how much , and which layers of tissue are best treated.

Mesotherapy very effective because it is injected into the affected area itself, and safe, because the injected substances are regulated by Health homeopathic substances, their little or no side effects, extracts of plants (especially cellulite) and some medicinal substances such as organic silicon.

According to Dr. Dennis Ramirez, medical director of the new center Corporal M + C, "With this technique achieve three key actions: 1. Celular: act on the adipocyte by stimulating the release of their contents grasa.2. Vascular: promoting microcirculation sistémica.3 local. Lymphatic: promoting lymphatic drainage of accumulated toxins.

" But clarifies: "It's a very safe medical technique providing you follow certain minimum rules (...) most importantly choose the right technique for each patient and above all go to a doctor with the training required to perform these treatments." And that is the specialized and deep knowledge of our anatomy, is key for this technique remains efficient and safe.

"Experts recommend combining it with other specific treatments to increase their effectiveness, making it the best adjuvant for its ability to optimize results. If yours is not the needle but if you want the art of Mesotherapy, some schools such as Mato Clinical Laboratories Mesoestetic Ansorena or just launch the virtual mesotherapy, a perfect treatment for you.

Mesotherapy-based virtual techniques such as the MRT System and the ABI (Iontophoresis Antioxidant Biomoduladora) will get a massive penetration of substances into the skin but without using needles and, like classical Mesotherapy can also be applied in the body and face. What's New in Mesotherapy comes from the hand of the "Tecnocosmética" formats and comes ready-to-wear to use at home: the technique Microneedling (microchannels that are generated in the epidermis to make cosmetic active reach deeper layers.) Homeo Labs just released "Body Segle Roller" (115 €), a manual system, safe and easy to use, is on a roll with two heads with one millimeter needles inserted that are responsible for puncturing and open those channels through that assets will be absorbed better.

They are designed for use by the medical profession, but there are kits for use at home, with smaller needles to prevent further damage. Can be used throughout the body and for different problems, cellulite, ultra moisturizing and toning, to overcome with the same instrument any body imperfections, etc.

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