Friday, February 25, 2011

How to recycle an old keyboard ideas to create eco-friendly jewelry

Not infrequently, it may happen that the keyboard for typing with the screen in front of our pc breaks. It 'difficult to break down physically, but in some circuit decides to no longer work and we have to change it. If it is not physically damaged, it means that we can reuse. Of course, not have the original function, but a whole new and fascinating.

We dismantle our keyboard, with keys and some other pieces, we can create beautiful eco-friendly jewelry, which aim to recycle things and not dump them. As usual on these occasions, DIY becomes the ideal ally. Ready? Remove the keyboard and remove all keys: If you have fingerprints - especially whites - laviamoli in soapy water and dry with a towel.

Now we have to decide what to do: we can make some nice necklaces with the letters that make up a name, or earrings or rings. We first necklace, then. The plastic of the keys is not very thick, so we can drill it with a needle or a nail often very subtle: do the holes on both sides, so that the wire entrida one side and out the other.

Let's say that most of the work is almost done! We can use transparent fishing line or wire type steel guitar string and holes passarlonei key: we want to assemble necklaces with many buttons, and possibly interspersed with other items, such as colored beads or rhinestones. If you create necklaces of recycled material was easy, this will be the same and the results are the most glamorous to exist! But the keys are not finished, and even the ways that transform them.

We want the earrings? Well, with the same technique as the key hole - but this time on one side only - include a nun, the kind that are sold loose in a haberdasher and, optionally, a bead and you're done! For the ring? We need to secure a base, ie the ring and then paste the key with the hot glue, assuming all changes and customisations of the case.

In addition to being the favorite jewelry brains, they are perfect for those of us who have a passion for technology without forgetting the essence of our more frivolous femininity. And typing on the keyboard of our working pc with the rings will become a key recycled chic time to express ourselves creatively.

Nth degree!

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