Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Confused with celiac gluten sensitivity: hit 3 million Italians

E 'for some time that celiac disease has attracted the attention of experts in order to cope with the increasing number of people who suffer from food intolerance. Now an international study sheds new light on the differences that exist at the molecular level and immune response in celiac disease itself and the Gluten Sensitivity, namely hypersensitivity to gluten.

An important difference to be seen as soon as the untreated celiac disease also puts at risk pregnancy. Focusing on the proper definition also means identifying the proper attitude to take food. The University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore - which has carried out research in collaboration with the Second University of Naples and published in the journal BMC Medicine - has succeeded in demonstrating that the active celiac disease, an autoimmune mechanism, while the hypersensitivity Gluten seems to involve an innate immune mechanism, which does not affect the function of the intestinal wall.

While celiac disease is also becoming an adult, at this point should be divided to two categories, that is hypersensitive to gluten and celiac disease, probably because the safeguard measures to be taken are different. "The Gluten Sensitivity is a clinical entity seen increasingly in the specialist clinics - said Charles Catassi, associate professor of pediatrics at the University Politecnica delle Marche Ancona and coordinator of the Scientific Committee Dr.

Schär -. It is a disorder for which there is no name in Italian as the clinical picture is recent. Is diagnosed in patients mostly adults who have intestinal disorder or against other equipment. These people in the past were often labeled as suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or functional disorder.

" What is more surprising is the magnitude of the phenomenon in Italy, which affects about 3 million people, 6% of the population, compared with 1% of celiacs, gives an estimate of the magnitude of the problem. Experts, however, complain of a lack of controls, probably because the cases of celiac disease is far worse, but people do not report problems and maybe they think that there are solutions.

This study focuses on further study, since there are several concerns that need more intolerance. If we are gluten-free, maybe it's even better that we inform you sull'ipersensibilità gluten to avoid the danger that so far we have taken care that no wrong proto beneficial to our health.

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