Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Menstruation abundant cause depression weakens the brain

How many times have we thought that men are most fortunate of women just because they are spared the struggle with the menstrual cycle? There are even children who have started menstruating early because of a diet rich in meat, so they start earlier also social problems that entails. Scholars of the Center of Gynecology and Sexology in Milan's San Raffaele Resnati have focused on the effects of menstruation abundant, collecting data that can be quite alarming.

A menstrual cycle is particularly intense, in fact, impact negatively on the quality of life of women who suffer from it: 28% suffer from concentration problems and fatigue and 23% admits to being forced to give up physical activity for excessive fatigue . The effects of heavy bleeding also affects personal relationships - because if you are not physically well, you do not even want to meet friends - but especially the working life, doing well lose working days.

In fact, the exact estimate is 3.6 working weeks per year lost due to problems associated with excessive menstrual cycle. Although experts have shown that the PMS is being fought with vitamin B, unfortunately the consequences are not only abundant natural cycle. Gynecologists, in fact, they found a strong link with depression, because of the heavy losses that occur with the iron cycle can affect brain function, and therefore the mood.

Drops in attention, concentration and memory, therefore, adds even depression, which affects Italy in 9 million women. The psychological functions would be weakened because the subtraction of strong iron allows the brain to carry out its normal activities fully. Unfortunately, once again the lack of information means that plenty of women who have a cycle not to seek medical attention, reaching a low of 5% that thinks to ask the gynecologist a solution to the problem.

Solution that comes with a pill-based therapy with natural estrogen, which helps reduce the flow eia thus preserving their iron stores. We have to be us women to know about female sexuality to be able to preserve intact and in good health. It is difficult to solve problems, unless you know you have a problem.

Information is the first step towards a long and happy life.

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