Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Menopause increasingly early: get to 30 years because of stress and pollution

As always, tell us that women are insatiable. After we complained about the annoying symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, now we complain that their work for this syndrome disappears menopause. In fact, if menopause comes too early, it is also a problem as it marks the end of fertile age with the resultant inability to conceive.

Unfortunately, the phenomenon of early menopause is becoming increasingly common, affecting from 30% 4-5 years - about 40-50 per thousand - of the female population. A phenomenon that could be considered strange, now it is spreading too quickly to talk about isolated exceptions. Premature menopause is also known as POF, ie Prematurian ovarian failure or premature ovarian depletion.

It does not take a medical degree to understand that this means that the fertile period can be said definitively concluded and with it the possibility of having children. Normally menopause affects women aged 50 years and then, with all the symptoms that it entails, such as hot flashes, which protect the heart.

Although experts have always considered early menopause as a rare disease, now the figures speak of onset before age 30 equal to 1 per 1,000, and if we also consider the psychological aspects far from negligible - especially for women which have not yet had children - we realize that we must learn more and we must be ever vigilant.

Moreover, the Italian scholars who have published research on POF in the journal Frontiers in Bioscience International give us data rather alarming that endometriosis is one of the main causes of this phenomenon and found that, in women with this disease, 's incidence of POF to 80 per thousand (8%).

Endometriosis, however, is just one of the causes of early menopause: Although other reasons are not yet identified, researchers believe that stress el'inquinamentoatmosferico are believed to be responsible for these changes in female sexuality. Other scientists, however, we wanted to push out a Darwinian: the world population grows, there are few children and the first pregnancy comes in fairly advanced age, not to mention the spread of infectious diseases.

In practice, it is better not to have children too, when there are no ideal conditions. The nature of women would run for cover, where the woman seems taken by other mechanisms. Also running for the roles of housewife-mother-worker, always on a diet and stressed or ill-nourished and exploited, femininity has decided, in practice, to strike and early menopause is a symptom that something has changed with the times.

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