Wednesday, February 23, 2011

La Pina: How many celebrities in my Queen size bed!

One queen size bed and a queen bed, an oversized bed. From Monday, February 28 The Pina accommodate you over with a character of music, sports or entertainment and take advantage of the intimacy of the atmosphere in order to extract some particular denomination. We have met the presentation of this new program, entitled Queen and that will be broadcast on Deejay TV, and we had a few questions.

Body scrubs for skin care

I rediscovered the importance of thorough body exfoliation and we offer the best body scrubs to take her out. Do not miss the gallery! Photos for your skin body scrubs Sure, a couple of times a week, do not forget you realize yourself a good scrub in the face. And in the body scrubs? Do not think that the body needs less care of the skin and exfoliaciĆ³npor be less sensitive and not so visible.

All Cycling - Part 1

Spring is upon us. And it is the best time for organizing a holiday, a weekend trip or just a bike? We divided the proposals into two: here are those easy (even for the real lazy), the episode tomorrow, what a little 'harder (what about the bike in Patagonia?). 1 The BHR Treviso Hotel offers a range of packages include the hire of a bike, an energy drink and cartographic materials and information to discover the Venetian landscape.

At a "breath" from the ocean

For Dania and Henry's interest and love for cetaceans was born in childhood, but the path towards the realization of the dream of being able to meet every day has been tortuous. After graduating from the University of Camerino, Dania find work in England. Henry graduated from the University of Milan and moved to Switzerland, the University of Lausanne.

The two are still unknown but, without knowing it, they share the same desire to live in contact with the whales and dolphins. Some call it fate, some just random. Returned to Italy, Dania and Henry end up finding the farewell party of a mutual friend, who is leaving for abroad. Their circumnavigation would have expected to end up here, but in fact the real journey, the most exciting, is not even begun.

Milan catwalk

New York and London after the fashion show moving to Milan. From February 23 to March 1 will be presented with ready-to-wear collections for next autumn and winter. The Beauty of drafting style. it will show some direct from backstage to find out what's happening before the parade begins. A great time to ferment, sometimes electric atmosphere more relaxed and even fun.

We'll discover the secrets of "work" of some of the most important make-up artist and hair stylist international Pecheux by Tom Lloyd Simmonds, of Charlotte Tilbury, Val Garland, Eugene Souleiman Guido Palau. All struggling with brushes and paints, just like real artists and hair-dryer and brush, to give life to aconciature and tricks that are often true, as ephemeral works of art.

The cellulite to wear

Treating cellulite is as simple as wearing your favorite jeans: they will be available from April, the new Eve Cosmetic LeRock Jeans, the first pants that clear the bearings in a month. Forget creams and wraps: fre very little orange peel to get rid of the hateful just wear a pair of jeans. Will be present at the next White Beauty - stage 25 to 27 February - Eve LeRock, pants designed by Luca Berti (former consultant of cult brands like Diesel and Parasuco) that contain a real cosmetic treatment.

Cream of Chickpea and Shrimp