The children at birth, weigh, on average, ranging between 2.8 and 3.8 kg, a difference between boys and girls, in the sense that the latter tend to be tiny. The baby, however, in the first days after birth, "slim," he observes, that a weight loss of about 10% of the total weight. Why? This is an absolutely normal, which should not in any way concern the new mother and that doctors call "physiological".
In the first 5 days of life, the baby faces the outside world after nine months spent in the womb, and the process of adaptation requires some effort on the part of his small body. Meanwhile, the child begins to "breathe" by removing a lot of fluids to maintain a constant body temperature.
In addition, immediately after birth, cleaned up the vine "vernix" which is nothing but the white film that makes it waterproof delicate skin of the fetus in the womb, when it is immersed in amniotic fluid, and which also has a certain weight. Still, for about one day after birth, the baby produces the first stool, called meconium, rather than waste another body composed of mucus and bile.
In these first days of life, moreover, the mother is not able to breastfeed her baby the best, because the substance that the breast secretes in this first phase - the colostrum product already pregnant - although full of substance and antibodies is not consistent and does not have the organoleptic quality and high nutritional value of breast milk itself.
The milk supply, in fact, there is no earlier than seventh to eighth day after birth. The baby, however, continues to lose weight over this period. Typically, the decline in physiological stops after the first 5 days of settlement and, indeed, the small starts its positive growth trend, returning to the starting weight after 10 days of birth.
If, however, new mothers should realize that their child is struggling to recover and that 5 days after the classics does not occur, the turnaround, you better bring the baby to visit children. 

In the first 5 days of life, the baby faces the outside world after nine months spent in the womb, and the process of adaptation requires some effort on the part of his small body. Meanwhile, the child begins to "breathe" by removing a lot of fluids to maintain a constant body temperature.
In addition, immediately after birth, cleaned up the vine "vernix" which is nothing but the white film that makes it waterproof delicate skin of the fetus in the womb, when it is immersed in amniotic fluid, and which also has a certain weight. Still, for about one day after birth, the baby produces the first stool, called meconium, rather than waste another body composed of mucus and bile.
In these first days of life, moreover, the mother is not able to breastfeed her baby the best, because the substance that the breast secretes in this first phase - the colostrum product already pregnant - although full of substance and antibodies is not consistent and does not have the organoleptic quality and high nutritional value of breast milk itself.
The milk supply, in fact, there is no earlier than seventh to eighth day after birth. The baby, however, continues to lose weight over this period. Typically, the decline in physiological stops after the first 5 days of settlement and, indeed, the small starts its positive growth trend, returning to the starting weight after 10 days of birth.
If, however, new mothers should realize that their child is struggling to recover and that 5 days after the classics does not occur, the turnaround, you better bring the baby to visit children.
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