Here is a new knitting to fill your free time with a creative pastime. It is a soft sweater made with a very special which you will find the following explanations and the end of the article chart with the legend of all meshes. The required size after work is a 38/40. Materials needed: 550 grams of yarn color you prefer, # 5 irons and a crochet hook # 5.
Carried out before starting up a sample order of 16 mesh and 26 irons (measured after dissolving the loops) that must conform to the usual 10 x 10 cm square. Place order: number of mesh divisible by 13 (from 2 ° row divisible by 12) + 2 mesh selvage. Work following the diagram. The figures on the right indicate the knife forward, those on the left of the knife back.
Width: begin with the selvage vest before the report, repeating the relationship and end with the selvage vest following the report. Once a working height from 1 to 18 ° row, then repeating the 3rd to the 18th. By interweaving the individual to drop through the net mesh upside down to throw up.
So the job becomes wider and the cross wires are obtained. Rear: 80 links to start with a double thread and start to work up the waves. Since there are still 2 ° iron 74 shirts. A 56 cm in total height, twist all the stitches dropping cast iron. The 17 external links form the shoulder, the 40 central links, the neckline.
Front: as an indicator for the back but with the neck deeper. A total height of 51 cm, for the neck, twist the 30 central links dropping cast iron and finish by the two parties separately, weaving from side neck every 2 rows, 2 sts 1 time and 3 times a shirt. At the same height as the back, fold the remaining 17 links for each shoulder.
Sleeves: Starting with the start of a 67 mesh wire and double-stitched waves. Since there are still 2 ° iron 62 shirts. A total height of 50 cm, twist all the stitches dropping cast iron. Packaging: stretch all the parties and after being wet, let them dry. Close the seams. Finish the neckline with a point around a shrimp from left to right.
Finally the sleeves. 

Carried out before starting up a sample order of 16 mesh and 26 irons (measured after dissolving the loops) that must conform to the usual 10 x 10 cm square. Place order: number of mesh divisible by 13 (from 2 ° row divisible by 12) + 2 mesh selvage. Work following the diagram. The figures on the right indicate the knife forward, those on the left of the knife back.
Width: begin with the selvage vest before the report, repeating the relationship and end with the selvage vest following the report. Once a working height from 1 to 18 ° row, then repeating the 3rd to the 18th. By interweaving the individual to drop through the net mesh upside down to throw up.
So the job becomes wider and the cross wires are obtained. Rear: 80 links to start with a double thread and start to work up the waves. Since there are still 2 ° iron 74 shirts. A 56 cm in total height, twist all the stitches dropping cast iron. The 17 external links form the shoulder, the 40 central links, the neckline.
Front: as an indicator for the back but with the neck deeper. A total height of 51 cm, for the neck, twist the 30 central links dropping cast iron and finish by the two parties separately, weaving from side neck every 2 rows, 2 sts 1 time and 3 times a shirt. At the same height as the back, fold the remaining 17 links for each shoulder.
Sleeves: Starting with the start of a 67 mesh wire and double-stitched waves. Since there are still 2 ° iron 62 shirts. A total height of 50 cm, twist all the stitches dropping cast iron. Packaging: stretch all the parties and after being wet, let them dry. Close the seams. Finish the neckline with a point around a shrimp from left to right.
Finally the sleeves.
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