Monday, July 18, 2011

Hormonal contraceptives: pros and cons

Have you thought about starting a hormonal contraceptive? We tell you everything you need to know to know what is best for you. Absolutely all hormonal contraceptives have side effects, because your body needs to get used to them so at first it is normal to suffer some discomfort, which usually disappear after a month or two.

Of course there are women more sensitive than others to hormones. So if after 3 or 4 months continue, you must tell the gynecologist to get it changed. In most cases, simply opt for a combination hormonal softer or different, but in others you have to change their method of contraception.

There are also women who can not take this type of contraception. If you are a smoker, you are overweight, suffer problems with diabetes, heart or liver, better to choose a non-hormonal contraceptive method. " Not all have the same hormonal composition. Combination pills contain estrogen and progesterone to not ovulate, but there are others (gestagenic) that are only derived from progesterone or progesterone (progestins) and in addition to inhibiting ovulation, transform the texture of cervical mucus to prevent sperm I transferred.

Cons: "It is true that some women are more fat and swollen, but others to lose weight and not notice many changes on the scale, the gynecologist said. But it is fluid retention, not fat, and after a few months, recover weight and volume as before. It also makes lower the sex drive, but usually happens when you have several years taking it, not at first, then eventually blocks the production of testosterone.

" Also, if you are sensitive to estrogen, the combination can provoke nausea, and chest tightness, headaches, increased vaginal discharge and increased hair. And if you're more sensitive to progesterone, gestagenic can make you suffer mood swings, dark spots on the skin, swelling and minor bleeding between periods.

Although the most serious of the pill is that it can produce you blood clot (avoid if you have poor circulation or are a smoker) or attack the liver (if you have background or a liver problem, do not you dare take it). Pros: It does not interfere at all in sexual lasrelaciones regulates menstrual cycles, makes the rules are less painful and annoying, reduces the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, prevents the formation of cysts and prevents cervical cancer and ovarian cancer.

The hormonal IUD is made of plastic implants in the uterus and releases small doses of a progesterone derivative. Cons: In general, it has fewer side effects, but if you are very sensitive to this hormone could suffer outbreaks of acne, mood changes and minor bleeding between periods. In some cases even cause headaches, pelvic pain and, after months of discomfort, fi nally be collected.

Pros: If you do well, you have to worry about contraception for as long as you wear it. In combination used synthetic progesterone, which thickens the cervical mucus and reduces ovulation and you wear it 5 days after the rule. Cons: You can also make you fat and become more swollen, eventually reduce the libido and make you lose bone mass (which is why you should test yourself against the density of your bones before you wear them).

They can cause bleeding between periods when your body breaks down badly as concentrated a dose of progesterone and sometimes cause anxiety and nervousness, having even been a case of panic attack associated with the injection, although this is not uncommon. Pros: Well, as its effects last 3 months, you forget about contraception during this period.

It also protects against endometrial diseases (including cancer) and prevents ovarian cancer. This is a small tube that the gynecologist implanted under the skin of the arm that releases progesterone into your body and a special type of estrogen. Cons: Kilos of more initially, bloating, gas and breakouts.

In some women, the rule makes it disappear completely, but others can cause constant bleeding. It is not bleeding, minor bleeding but quite annoying daily complento disappear when the implant is removed. Pros: Generally last three years, and as injections, protect you from cancer of the endometrium and ovary.

The vaginal ring is small and transparent, is carried in the vagina for three weeks straight and quarter rests. Combined estrogen and progesterone. Cons: It has the same side effects as combined pills, but milder, as their hormone doses are lower. Pros: You can insert and remove it yourself, ere not interfere at all in sex (very stretchy and fit), regulates periods and makes them less annoying.

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