Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Breakup, identify it!

Can we predict a breakup? There are some sentences that are clear signs of danger. When the breakup of a sudden bursts into your life means that you have ignored the subtle signs (or not so subtle) announcing your marital relationship was going well and should have done something about it. The reason why there are people who are not escaping anything is because they have an absolute understanding when it comes to live with your partner.

Clearly not have to look at every moment what your child says or does. However, when you have that feeling that your relationship is in this delicate phase, you must be attentive to detail. We indicate the 5 phrases to keep you alert and not getting caught by surprise by the end of a relationship: Never ignore this sentence under any circumstances.

Given time does not mean that it will be the definitive end of the relationship, but in most cases is just to distance themselves emotionally and rethink everything from a new perspective. The time and distance help to clarify the ideas, since this type of situation is a constant and imminent headache.

Perhaps you or your kid you decide to pause in your relationship to improve in the future. Perhaps he realizes he can not live without you. With this sentence you have to take into account the tone that tells you. If you hear is laughing not worry about anything, everything is fine. With a nervous sigh and a bit stressed out can mean "Leave me alone." The words "later" are very vague and hint at any kind of interpretation.

Also when you leave time waiting for your call, it means that a candidate is not very reliable. Perhaps you might feel a little lost, but do not worry, maybe he is in a very delicate moment of his life and still not ready to communicate it or make shareholder. You should be patient. Give time your guy, not pressure.

If band is really closed and does not want to talk to you, you are stating clearly that is the end of the relationship. When you compare your child with another person or past relationship that was not a good sign. Comparisons with the first love your self-esteem and discredit undermine any semblance of sense to you.

Continued comparisons may indicate that mourns the loss of his ex-girlfriend or want to see other people. Do not waste your time and do not condone their behavior. Best show him that your relationship is not a competition or comparison with previous relationships. The insult is a sign of disrespect in a relationship.

When you both arrive at a point of no return, finding satisfaction wounding the other, now is the time of breakup. And it is very difficult to have an excuse for such behavior. Ultimately, the goal is not conflict with the enemy and humiliate him. On the contrary if there is a problem we must solve to keep the relationship on the right foot.

Therefore, the insult should not be part of the daily life of a couple. When your child has stopped communicating with you, for example, does not call or does not answer your messages or emails, the relationship is ending. If you've reached that point, you better make a fresh start. Think there's no point holding on to a relationship that does not work.

Have faith that someone will come again and will treat you like you deserve better understand your feelings and be there when you need it. At Cosmo we propose you a new way to meet people related to you, with your same interests, ways of life enternder, etc. in our new section "My Romance." Discover it!

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