Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Natural Masks for skin with acne

Want to eradicate pimples happy with the best of nature and price 'low cost'? Re custom beauty of yesteryear with these natural masks and have a skin film. Use herbs and spices to treat skin beauty through natural masks, is as old as man himself. The Egyptians were masters of care epidermal legacies that have been passed from generation to generation and are now returning with force to give specific natural solutions to specific ailments such as acne, a problem not only teenagers suffer skin, but mature and caused by stress and hormonal factors.

Want to put a stop to unwanted pimples naturally, economically and in your own home? Well, take good note of these natural masks, greedy and effective! More and more beauty products including lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium in their formulations for their ability to stimulate its own natural defense system of the skin, purify it and keep it healthy.

You can take advantage of its rich natural assets with a yogurt, apply a thick paste on the skin, leaving it to be absorbed, remove it with water and check what is left smooth and bright your face with small pores and unified appearance. Ayurveda, the oldest health science of India, committed to the roots, spices and grains to purify and hydrate the skin.

As a preliminary step, to clean with a paste prepared from half a tablespoon of Neem powder (herbal products or Indian specialty stores), a pinch of sugar and a few drops of water, applied to the skin gently and remove. Then mix a tablespoon of barley flour, lemon peel another half teaspoon ground and powdered milk until a stiff dough.

Take a little warm water and apply on the skin with gentle movements, without rubbing. Let it work for a few minutes and remove it with warm water. Ayurveda also comes this recipe to apply to the grain area or spot treatment twice a week: mix half a teaspoon of crushed cumin seeds, a tablespoon of cilantro and a few drops of water (you can also substitute rose water .) Allow to work in the area between 20-30 minutes, remove with water and moisturize with products 'oil free' or fat-free.

Some fruits are great for beautifying the skin, one of the most suitable for oily or acne problems is the strawberry, its high water content and vitamin C make it a treasure of beauty. After a thorough cleaning, but gentle, crushing a few berries and remove the pulp. Apply over face and neck.

Lie down for 15 minutes with legs up to increase blood flow to the face. When the pasta is completely absorbed, remove it with water and apply your toner and moisturizer (light emulsions and fat free). The intense color of strawberries provide a natural flush to your skin. Addictive! Clays (in Herbalists) are perfect for skin with acne or seborrheic for its high absorbency.

Regulate fat, purify the skin and help eliminate acne its bactericidal action. Enriquécelas adding pure essential oils and 100% natural and Herbes of Moli or Dr. Hauschka, excellent quality. Try the tea tree, very powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing, that of Ylan-Ylang an exotic plant with exquisite aroma of antiseptic and balancing of combination or oily skin, or lavender to purify and prevent future outbreaks .

Ojo!, Essential oils are very concentrated and potent substances, do not apply directly to the skin, always be diluted or mixed with cream or clay base and always in very small doses, 1 or 2 drops for each application. In addition to these natural masks, increases the intake of vitamins B, C, A and minerals like zinc, better through natural foods rather than supplements, maintain a healthy, balanced diet without too much dairy or gluten-rich products, drink tea like burdock cleansing to detoxify or take a pinch of turmeric and neem in your yogurt, juices and teas, in addition to its rejuvenating effect, plus you'll have a purification to keep your beautiful skin and no pimples for a long time.

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