Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Diet causes stress: control over food increases nervousness and aggression

The diet makes us beautiful, we keep in shape and are safer than us. But at what price? Maybe we do not we ever realized, but when we're on a diet become intractable and it is useless to think that it is a period: it is the diet makes us so! This is demonstrated by a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research has found that the scientific evidence and irrefutable by some experiments conducted by researchers at Northwestern University.

We want to be thinner? So we must learn to control us and smile more! If we are already considering how to choose the diet that works and makes us lose weight fast, we take into account the results of this curious research. The scientists asked a group of people to choose between eating an apple or a chocolate bar, and then watch a movie.

You who would you choose? Well, people in the first group, ie those who have chosen to remain light and choose the apple, have preferred to see films more aggressive, with a story that spoke of anger and revenge. Those who preferred to eat the chocolate bar, taking little care in calories, have softened the mood mouth and then chose comedies or romantic comedies.

In a second experiment, it was noted that people preferred a diet marked by public campaigns on fear, like a calling for more funds for the fight against crime, other than that elicited feelings of sadness. A further confirmation comes from a group of people who had chosen a snack instead of a less healthy diet and was more irritable with regard to certain advertisements.

They will be hungry to make it aggressive toward the world? Scholars, however, think that such data may be useful for better communication strategies, particularly against obese people. "Research has shown that people who are trying to control themselves around food is more likely - the authors write - and should be taken into account in the campaigns against obesity, choosing more positive messages." Okay look at marketing, but why not take account of these considerations, even for a strictly human point of view? If we are on a diet and see around us friends who stuff themselves, certainly not our mood will be rewarded, but then are surprised when we answer them wrong! The mechanism of stress and aggression that is engaged when we try to control what we eat than what we would want to eat, places us in a constant state of tension that then found an outlet in other demonstrations of irritability.

What can we do if we are on a diet, is to capitalize on this discovery: when we feel that we are going to yell at someone, let us pause a moment and think that we do not, but it is the diet that causes us to fight. Stop the diet? No, and why? When we feel more irritable think that we are working for our beauty and, in the twinkling of an eye, we will return the smile and keep your temper under control.

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