Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The 7 worst foods for your health

Did you know that there are certain foods that should be avoided killer to stay in shape and ensure the welfare of the organism? Someone said "You are what you eat" and I absolutely agree that we introduce in our body interacts with the body and helps to change our appearance. To be fit, have a silky skin and hair healthy and strong is important to avoid certain foods harmful to health.

Here are 7 foods to banish from your diet to lose weight without even realizing it!

1. The cakes are fried fried sweet tooth and often sprinkled with delicious sugar, but they hurt the human body because of the combination of fat and sugar, often made worse by the presence of fillings such as cream or chocolate.

The ideal would be to avoid fried pastries (donuts, pancakes, etc..) And concentrate instead on a slice of apple pie or carrot cake, you can cook in casa.

2. Fizzy drinks fizzy drinks like Coca Cola, Sprite and Fanta are not the best for the welfare as we know.
Are rich in sugar and calories, making them very poor from a nutritional standpoint. Even diet versions of fizzy drinks are not recommended: certainly have fewer calories, but according to several studies are responsible dell'erposione of teeth due to acid content and helping to inflate the belly.
If you can not do without fizzy drinks, try a healthy alternative: carbonated water mixed with lemon juice or your favorite fruit juice or herbal tea.

3. The Chicken Nuggets Chicken nuggets, chicken nuggets or the breaded and fried, should be absolutely avoided: first, one can not always be sure that they are made with real chicken breast or chicken waste and not second quality.
Also, are covered in a greasy batter and fried: Because of their small size morsels of chicken fried absorb more fat than other foods fried in larger size.
Feel like fried chicken? If you really can not do without it, choose a good sized cutlet. Or opt for delicious skewers of turkey or chicken breast grilled. And do not forget the chicken that speeds up the metabolism!

4. Alcopops are those alcopops drink low-alcohol and stained, like the Bacardi Breezer, for a young audience because of their sweet taste and low alcohol content. Precisely for this reason that alcopops should be avoided. Not only are filled with sugar to make them taste better, but the different flavors, synthetic colorants and make them a really toxic mix. A little rule? The brighter the color, the worse the drink .
Choose types of colorless alcohol such as vodka with fruit juice or tonic water, but avoid alcohol too colorful. Ideally, however, a glass of beer or red wine, the less calories superalcolici.

5. The processed meat and processed meats that are within the Sausage or Hamburger: This is ground beef and would be better to stay away because it often is not what it contains.
It can be a mix of meat of poor quality or various scrap, which are crushed and compacted to create a food that is not good for the body. If you like processed meat, read the labels carefully and make sure the meat used is of good quality. Do you love meat? No problem, choose a tartare of beef, sliced roast beef or pork flavorings. And if you like classic, focuses on cut citrus!

6. The donuts donuts in the category of sweet fried, but are particularly damaging because the body rich in sugar, fat, often filled with cream or jam, with various sugars. The donuts are to interfere in the levels of sugar in the body: a donut creates a spike in blood sugar when eaten, but everything hangs after few minutes, making it difficult to digest and dispose of and they do not satisfy the urge of hunger.
Here too, the council is only one: opting for home-made cakes, maybe with brown sugar and whole wheat flour. I'm sweet that will satisfy your hunger and at the same time bring fiber body.
7. Soup Ready To finish, here is a kind of food that seems harmless at first glance but in reality has its bad sides: the ready-made soups, or soups, canned or pouch. This type of soup is often rica salt and fat and should be avoided for this reason. Much better to make the soup at home, with fresh vegetables in season.  Try different soups and easy to prepare, such as soup with zucchini, yogurt and mint or a tasty soup of farro.
The more ideas stressed the importance of good diet to be fit. Do not forget that a balanced diet is the secret to the beauty of body, skin, hair and nails.

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