Sometimes there is insufficient time, sometimes the company or laziness gets the better. And so we are content to eat sitting at your desk, in front of the computer screen, maybe spacing out the chunks with a game at the "lonely." Whatever the reasons and whatever brings warmth, a meal like this hurts the line, because it makes us more inclined to sell to snack throughout the day.
The University of Bristol researchers say in a study published in the American Society for Nutrition. To arrive at these conclusions have studied the behavior of some volunteers, divided into two groups. The first has eaten a meal consisting of nine food sneaking in a card game on your computer.
The second ate exactly the same things but with no distractions whatsoever. Well: People of the first group after lunch we heard less satiated and had swallowed half an hour away twice as many compared to other snacks. In addition, at the end of the day, had trouble remembering exactly what foods they consumed.
"This research shows that cognition, memory and attention - says Jeff Brunstrom, one of the authors - play a role in governing appetite and size of meals in men." 

The University of Bristol researchers say in a study published in the American Society for Nutrition. To arrive at these conclusions have studied the behavior of some volunteers, divided into two groups. The first has eaten a meal consisting of nine food sneaking in a card game on your computer.
The second ate exactly the same things but with no distractions whatsoever. Well: People of the first group after lunch we heard less satiated and had swallowed half an hour away twice as many compared to other snacks. In addition, at the end of the day, had trouble remembering exactly what foods they consumed.
"This research shows that cognition, memory and attention - says Jeff Brunstrom, one of the authors - play a role in governing appetite and size of meals in men."
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