Contraceptives are essential, unless you have a stable relationship and do not want a baby! A poll conducted by GFK Eurisko, and whose results were presented in Rome at the launch of the new contraceptive subcutaneous, revealed a quite difficult topic, one in two women do not use contraceptives to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases as well as from unwanted pregnancies .
The survey found that 21% of Italian women are using hormonal contraceptives (pill, ring, patch) and 20% use other precautions (condoms, withdrawal, natural methods), the remainder did not use it, with all risks this may entail. Contraceptives are very important because first and foremost protect us from disease, not just HIV but also other sexually transmitted diseases that can lead to troublesome not only annoying but if left untreated can lead to something more serious.
Oral contraceptives are fine if you are a couple solid and true, otherwise it is always better to use a barrier contraceptive such as condoms or maybe the pink condom. The survey was done on women aged 18 to 45 years, the situation is quite worrying, I see the girls but who knows what they are getting would be well advised to protect themselves, to give priority to their health! What contraceptive you use? 

The survey found that 21% of Italian women are using hormonal contraceptives (pill, ring, patch) and 20% use other precautions (condoms, withdrawal, natural methods), the remainder did not use it, with all risks this may entail. Contraceptives are very important because first and foremost protect us from disease, not just HIV but also other sexually transmitted diseases that can lead to troublesome not only annoying but if left untreated can lead to something more serious.
Oral contraceptives are fine if you are a couple solid and true, otherwise it is always better to use a barrier contraceptive such as condoms or maybe the pink condom. The survey was done on women aged 18 to 45 years, the situation is quite worrying, I see the girls but who knows what they are getting would be well advised to protect themselves, to give priority to their health! What contraceptive you use?
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