What is our ideal weight? Are normal weight, overweight, obese or even underweight? Today we'll explain how to calculate your ideal weight easily, or at least understand what we are away! To understand how we are and if we go on a diet in a hurry is a very useful method to calculate the body mass index, the simple rules is very easy and you'll need only two numbers, your weight and your height in inches.
BM I = Body Mass Index, also called Body Mass Index is used to see if the weight / height is balanced or not. The simple rules for calculating the body mass index is very simple, is calculated by dividing weight (in kilograms) by the square of height in meters. So if the weight is 65 pounds you 65 / (1.70 x 1.70) the result is 22.4.
The numerino that comes out has to deal with the reference values which are as follows: In our case, the 22.4 fall in the range of normal weight for us women ranging from 19 to 24. 

BM I = Body Mass Index, also called Body Mass Index is used to see if the weight / height is balanced or not. The simple rules for calculating the body mass index is very simple, is calculated by dividing weight (in kilograms) by the square of height in meters. So if the weight is 65 pounds you 65 / (1.70 x 1.70) the result is 22.4.
The numerino that comes out has to deal with the reference values which are as follows: In our case, the 22.4 fall in the range of normal weight for us women ranging from 19 to 24.
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