But on Eros, forgive me, I prefer not to add anything else, is about to have a child by another woman, I would avoid ... The interview continues, "For many Italians, you have been a couple almost perfect" and Michelle said "We were too beautiful maybe. You know, sometimes I think we have not left because we wanted to leave, but only because nobody was willing or able to help when, still young, we have fallen into a deep crisis.
" Eros has been waiting for many years, has given many interviews in which he sent signals, I do not know if she is repentant or is simply a touch of melancholy that is triggered when the life of your ex is doing well and your not. Michelle Hunziker We hope you find true love with a capital A, and hopefully for all of us of course! 

" Eros has been waiting for many years, has given many interviews in which he sent signals, I do not know if she is repentant or is simply a touch of melancholy that is triggered when the life of your ex is doing well and your not. Michelle Hunziker We hope you find true love with a capital A, and hopefully for all of us of course!
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